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Namjoon was sat on the chair in his room, his whole apartment quiet besides the sound of the classical music he played and the sound of pages flipping as he read through a book.

Beep Beep Beep

His alarm on his phone beeped, signalling that it's 8.45 and he should be ready for his daily stream.

He got up and started to move things around, making it look neat before placing his laptop on a high chair, making sure it was stable.

Namjoon took off his normal attire before putting on a sweater and some thigh highs.

He clicked on the website where he usually does his streaming before clicking on the red 'Start Live!'

Namjoon sat patiently, waiting for the number of viewers to increase before properly starting his live.

ya.boi.taetae and 96 others has joined your live!

97 viewers? Not bad.

Namjoon smiled at the amount of viewers before chiming out a small "Hello!"

ya.boi.taetae has donated $50: Hey sweets!

seok.jin has donated $70: Hey baby ;)

Namjoon blushed, surprised that people already started giving him so much.

Namjoon looked over at the clocked which, at that moment, has struck 9pm.

"I-I'm gonna start the live now, master"

Probs gonna publish a new chapter after ramadan yeooo so be patient with thee

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