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Namjoon woke up early, as usual to get ready for work. He wore the usual  work attire, just a dress shirt and black pants.

He walked from his house to the train station, waiting patiently as his train arrives.


What does Namjoon work as?

Well, to be straightforward, he works as a model for a few clothing brands. And recently, he's been offered to model for more known clothing brands.

"Namjoon, get ready for your first shoot for today. Try to be more focused and professional, yeah?" His best friend, who is also his secretary, Min Yoongi, said.

"Why? Am I not always focused and professional?" Namjoon asked in a fake sad voice, dramatically clutching his heart.

"You are, but it's just that the founder of this brand will be here" At that, Namjoon choked on the water and placed his cup on the water quite abruptly.

"Why's he here?" Namjoon gasped.

Yoongi just shrugged, "Dunno. Anyways, get ready and get out in-" Yoongi looked at his wrist watch, "- 5 minutes" He continued, looking up at Namjoon for his confirmation before heading out.

Namjoon leaned back into the chair to get his makeup done. And after that, he thanked the stylist and changed into the clothes that were hung nicely on the rack before heading out his dressing room and into the main room to get his pictures taken.


The end of the photoshoot has come. After a while of a change of clothes and posing, Namjoon's already done.

Yoongi came running to him, a flushed face present and a few beads of sweat trickling down the side of his head. "Are you okay? What do you need?" Namjoon asked, setting Yoongi down on the chair and offering him a bottled water.

"T-thanks" Yoongi said before chugging the entire bottle in a matter of seconds.

"What'd you need?" Namjoon asked in a soft voice.

"He's looking for you. The founder of the clothing brand" Yoongi said in a huff.

"Why do you always refer him as 'founder of the clothing brand'? Does he not have a name?" Namjoon joked, laughing lightly.

"Whatever," Yoongi ignored Namjoon's little insult. "His name is Kim Taehyung, I think. Now go before I'm the one who gets my ass beat" Yoongi ushered the boy out of the dressing room.

Kim Taehyung? Sounds familiar...

Its been so long since i last updated im so sorry😂😭

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