Chapter 2

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ThornKit looked at her, and then at Talon, who was being comforted by LynxWhisker. BrackenKit and ThornKit ran over to Talon. ThornKit rubbed his muzzle against his father's leg. BrackenKit's ears pinned to the back of her head. "A-Are we really rouges?" She asked. Talon looked at LynxWhisker and opened her mouth. ThornKit smiled, and bared his teeth. "Of course not! Rouges are stinky, we're wild born!" He announced, nudging his sister with his broad shoulders. BrackenKit sat down next to ThornKit and sighed. Talon swept them next to her side, curling her tail around her kits, LynxWhisker with her.

Where am I? Help! Somebody!! The ground fell under her. Her vision blurred, and then she saw two cats fighting. One fell down, and then blurred. She woke, seeing that the beach had gone dark and quiet. She nudged her brother awake, she jabbed her paws gently into his side. "Wake up!" She hissed softly. ThornKit blinked. "Hmm?" BrackenKit grabbed his scruff and pulled him out the den. She trotted out, and sat on the rocks that the waves lapping on. She stared at the ocean, and then looked at her brother. "I..Had a dream..Of..Two cats fighting, and one was..Killed.." She said, her dream flashing over her vision. ThornKit looked at her, his amber eyes full with determination and maturity. "Well. Whatever it means, I respect it. We're apprentices tomorrow, and I want you to do everything with me before we go our separate ways during training." He said, rubbing his muzzle across his sister's.

"Let all cats old enough to burrow through the sand, gather to hear my words!" GooseStar yowled, sitting at the base of the reeds. The clan gathered, murmuring to each other. Talon lapped at her kits' heads, and nudged them forward. BrackenKit smiled at ThornKit, who was bursting with happiness. GooseStar smiled. "BrackenKit, ThornKit, BatKit and IvyKit step forward!" He meowed. The kits trotted forward, prickling with happiness. GooseStar jumped down and touched ThornKit on the head with his nose. "ThornKit, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as ThornPaw. Your mentor will be WhiteBelly." He looked at the black and white tom. "WhiteBelly, as this is your first apprentice, I expect you to train your apprentice well, and teach him all you can." He meowed to the tom. WhiteBelly nodded and touched his nose to ThornPaw. He turned to BrackenKit. "BrackenKit, until your warrior name, you will be known as BrackenPaw. Your mentor shall be EagleSnout." He announced, dipping his head to the warrior. "EagleSnout, I trust you will teach BrackenPaw all you learned from HoneyMask, and pass on your skills to this young she cat." He said. BrackenKit touched noses with her mentor, and sat next to him quietly. "BatKt, from this moment forward you will be known as BatPaw. LynxWhisker will be your mentor." He fixed his gaze on the large tom. "LynxWhisker, you have proved that you are a loyal warrior to ReedClan, and I trust that you will pass on your skills to BatPaw." GooseStar turned to IvyKit. "IvyKit, from this moment forward you will be known as IvyPaw. Your mentor will be AlderStream." He meowed. "AlderStream, I trust this apprentice in your paws as your first apprentice, teach her all you can." He meowed to the young warrior.

"ThornPaw! BrackenPaw! BatPaw! IvyPaw!"

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