Chapter 5

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BrackenPaw yawned, getting out her nest, and making her way over to EagleSnout, who was eating a seagull, which looked fresh. She dug her claws into the sand, relaxing. "What are we going to do today?" She asked. EagleSnout looked over, his eyes distant for a moment. He shook his head, and sighed. "Fighting." He meowed. BatPaw looked over from afar. He waved his tail at his father. EagleSnout smiled at his son, and turned to her again. "I'm going to ask LynxWhisker if he would like to join us today, one moment BrackenPaw." He meowed, padding over to LynxWhisker who was cleaning the salt water and the sand out from his morning patrol. "LynxWhisker! Would you like to join me with training today, and test BatPaw's fighting? You taught him yesterday, from what I heard." He meowed. LynxWhisker blinked, and looked at the older tom. "You must be mistaken, I never took him out to train, I'm showing him the territory today." He meowed. EagleSnout blinked, and took in a sharp breath, hissing under his breath. "Fine. Tomorrow then." He growled, stalking away, back to BrackenPaw. He flicked his tail for the young cat to follow. They went near the young tides, and he meowed. "Give me your best crouch." He ordered. BrackenPaw crouched, her tail straight. EagleSnout nodded. "Step forward." She softly stepped forward, her paws hardly making a noise. He nudged her up. "Great, your a natural! Now come, ill teach you to hunt fish." She followed, her tail held high. EagleSnout looked at the water, and quickly swiped a paw at the water, pulling out a fish. He bit down on it's spine and set it beside him. BrackenPaw looked in the water, and saw a fish weaving in the water. She swiped at the water, but didn't catch the fish, only water. She grunted and looked in again. EagleSnout sat beside her, resting his tail on her shoulder. "It's hard first time, i know, you'll get it." He meowed. She shrugged, and saw another. She swiped, dumped it over, and bit it's spine. EagleSnout smiled. "Great!"

After Training...

BrackenPaw sat beside ThornPaw, gulping down her seagull. ThornPaw yawned, stretching. He looked at his sister mischievously. "Why don't you go to the most beautiful place for a sunset with.." He took a deep breath and screamed. "BATPAW!" BrackenPaw screeched, slapping her tail on his mouth. "Shut. Your. Muzzle!" She snapped, her ears growing hot. BatPaw was looking over at them, his eyes brightened. ThornPaw laughed, taking her tail off his mouth. "BrackenPaw likes BatPaw! BrackenPaw likes BatPaw!" He cheered. BrackenPaw hissed, pinning her brother. "Shut up!" She pleaded. ThornPaw smirked, his amber eyes glowing. "At least go hang out alone." He purred. She growled. "In your dreams!" ThornPaw ran over to BatPaw. "Go to the island with BrackenPaw!" The tabby tom looked over at BrackenPaw with a smile. "Well, let's go then!" BrackenPaw hesitated, but padded over. ThornPaw smirked. "Not in my dreams anymore!" BatPaw purred, and followed BrackenPaw.

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