Chapter 4

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BrakenPaw tipped her head to the side. "Why?" She asked. EagleSnout turned his head. "It's history now..But..Many deaths have been caused on that high island." He muttered, his whiskers twitching. He flicked his tail and turned to head back to the camp. "Go get some prey and rest." He meowed curtly. BrackenPaw nodded and padded ahead. She saw her father, LynxWhisker opening some clams, and taking the meat out to eat it. She ran to the fresh kill pile, which was buried half in dirt and in sand, but was covered by a fallen palm tree. Sliding through the large leaves, she pulled out a fish. She carried it over to LynxWhisker, and sat down next to him. BrackenPaw licked her lips and started eating. LynxWhisker looked over. "Hello, BrackenPaw! How was your first day?" He asked. BrackenPaw shrugged. "It was..Interesting! We saw the tides, and..Uh..The high island." She meowed. LynxWhisker nodded, his yellow eyes bright.

"You shut up!"

BrackenPaw turned, seeing ThornPaw tackling a apprentice. She hesitated, but ran over  anyway. BrackenPaw tore away the tackled apprentice, who was EmberPaw. She immediately dropped him, shivering in disgust. LynxWhisker was holding back ThornPaw with a paw. EmberPaw hissed at ThornPaw, his amber eyes burning with rage. ThornPaw tore away from his father, and leaped on him again, clawing at him. BrackenPaw gasped, once again tearing away EmberPaw from her brother. "What has gotten into you?" LynxWhisker asked ThornPaw. EmberPaw shook his fur. "I was just giving him advise!" He growled. ThornPaw snarled. "You called my family rouges! We are ReedClan members!" He spat. EmberPaw rolled his eyes. "Is that your excuse?"
"Excuse me, young EmberPaw, but that is not how you treat a clan mate, even you ThornPaw!" A silver tabby ran over, her green eyes widened. LynxWhisker glared at EmberPaw. "Listen to your mentor, EmberPaw." He growled. He turned to his son. "And you especially don't attack your clan mates. I will discuss some punishment for you both with your mentors." He meowed. He padded away. BrackenPaw gulped, racing to her father's side, continuing to eat. LynxWhisker finished eating, and padded over to WhiteBelly and WillowFlower.

She padded to the apprentice's den, which was a dead palm tree, moss covering the ground. She saw BatPaw and his sister sleeping next to each other, with the two older apprentices sharing a fish a few nests away. She decided to sleep in a nest next to BatPaw. She knew it wasn't worth the try for him to notice BrackenPaw, but she kind of had a small feeling, of her liking him. She smiled, and drifted to sleep.

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