part six

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It was ViCtOr ViNcEnT FuEnTeS!?!?! What is he doing here I then looked around until he asked my name I stuttered out Evie and he smiled and asked if I was ok I just noded du to lack of words I mean come on its the one and Only ViCtOr ViNcEnT FuEnTeS soon he walked out to get me some water and advill as he left that kid I ran into walked in his head down he just stood there by the door like if he got to close It would hurt me he seemed to have a few more bracelets on he looked up but is snapback covered his face he apologized I didn't know why tho he said for freaking you out at the park I smiled and said it was fine he responded with a nod and then his name was called from down stairs I guess his name was Kevin Kevin soon came back in to the room and gave me the headache medicine and a glass of water I jumped up after taking the medication and said my dad must be worried sick he nodded I said thank you and Hugged him walked down and said good by to Mr.fuentes he said his goodbye he asked if I wanted to have dinner when his husband was off tour (cough kellin cough) I ran all the way home and my dad was waiting for me he was panicked he was yelling at me I ran to the bathroom and pulled up my sleeve and got my razor from my bag and cut I didn't cut too deep when I heard a knock upon the door I cleaned the blood mess in 2 minutes and flushed the toilet and washed my hands to make it seem like I just used the bathroom and walked out and to my bunk I was tired of life he followed me and he said if this is how you are going to act you can leave I could here the venom in his voice I said fine and started to pack my things after I was done I walked to the door as Sebastian and Remington came in they asked where I was going and I said I was leaving because Emerson told me to and I handed Sebastian a letter and I said not to open it and to give it to Emerson in a week as I left I gave a fake smile to remmington and Sebastian as tears started to fall from my eyes I felt rain on my shirt it wasn't that long until it was pouring down rain I was sitting on a park bench and I heard foot steps running and then I heard what sounds like a teen girl talking I looked up tears still spilling it was a man with long black curlyish hair green blue eyes and a sad smile I recognized him as non other than.....KeLlIn qUiNn!?! He asked me if I was ok I shook my head no and he asked what was wrong I told him how I got in to a dispute with the band I was staying with and how it was my dad's band but he didn't know I was his daughter
Kellin just asked if I wanted to go to his house and stay for dinner and maybe the night I looked at him and thought I should say no but then the little smexica popped in to my head and I said wait arnt you Kevin's dad and victors husband kellin eye's seemed to light up at the mention of vic and Kevin he said yeah do you know Kevin while wiggling his eyebrows I looked down and said we didn't have a very smooth start to build a friendship on he just noded so we set of to kellins house did I forget to mention we talked a while because he had a big umbrella we walked under.

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