Jimins POV

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i felt so bad for what happend to jeongyeon how could rose do that to her she is crazy.....And WHY did sehun have to stay with her why are they so close?!?!?!?!wait........what am i doing i rejected her last year.....UGH Jimin snap out of it your already dating the most popular girl in school....although jeongyeon is kinda cute and sexy.UGH WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?.......i feel bad now for thinking of playing her

*jimin arrives at his house rose answers the door and she kisses him*

Jimin:What was that for?

Rose:you seem stressed maybe we should do something to help you get that stress off

Jimin:Rose no after what you did to jeongyeon today its a definate no.

Rose:why do you even care about her?!?!Huh?!?!you have me anyways instead of that bitch

Jimin:DONT TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!!!*jimin storms away to his room*


*rose leaves and Jimin calls sehun yes he has his number suprisingly*

Jimin:Is she doing well?

Sehun:why would you care?

Jimin:Just answer me

Sehun:She is doing well

Jimin:Ok thanks just checking up on her

*the call ends*

Jimin thinks:what is my problem i shouldnt be worried what is this feeling i feel mad but releived that she is ok.....maybe is because sehun and her are close friends....UGH what is wrong with you jimin......Fine i admit it i regret rejecting her now she is adorable and sexy.......

Narrorator:This is the moment jimin knew he fucked up(lol sorry i love memes)

*someone knocks on Jimins door*


Taehyung:Are you ok?you look like youve been crying

Jimin failed to notice the tears streaming down his face

Jimin:Rose spiked jeongyeons drink we rushed her to the hospital

Taehyung:so why do you care you rejected her last year remember?

Jimin:Yeah but for some reason im worried about her......Idk why tae please help me

Taehyung:I think you might have a little something for jeongyeon~ahh

Jimin:*blushes and thinks maybe hes right*Idk honestly

jimin thinks about jeongyeons sexy body but cute face and how small she is compared to him but yet she is still close to being as tall as him but now he thinks of how miserable she felt when he rejected her and laughed at her now all jimin feels is regret (BTW Reegret is the best wattpad story ive ever read please look for it creds to the author) 

Guide to redemption.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora