Stream TT peasants.

296 14 2

I woke up and damn I had an headache....
Oh wait its cause I drank but damn what did I do last thing I remember I was walking outside..

Well I Finna wake up Sehun and Vernon before they're asses are late to practice

'Yah Sehun-oppa , Vernon wake up for practice' they woke up and looked at the time they got up then Vernon fell

"Bwahhaa!!!" Sis I'm dying he was embarassed
"Sehun hyung Jeongyeon noons is making fun of me!!"

"Yah Jeongyeon be nice!" Sehun shouted from the shower after we were done we left and speeded off to school meeting our team members

"Hello everyone"me and Sehun greeted and bowed and they did the same in return

We separated different teams into different dance practice rooms

The dance Jeongyeon will be doing with her team she is the middle

"wahh unnie this is a hard dance how long did it take you too learn it?"Yeri asked

"not that long actually just 2 days"I replied with not that much expression but tired 

"omg.......WHAT THE F-"


"anyways that all for today we will keep practicing the games are in 2 weeks good job today see ya later!"

Later that day.....

finally this has been a great day you know why?Because i met this dude named Jaehyun he looks like jackson hyung and appa for some reason.....Anyways he is really nice he protects me alot and is like the SM jackson.

Ive been through alot tho and so has Jackson we dont like to talk about father that much and you may already know why

Oh yeah and i cant wait to compete in the dance comps. And maybe see him......


No! Jeongyeon your over him..

am i really?.... AISH SO FRUSTRATING!!!!

i slam my head hard on the desk then right when the bell rang i got up and rubbed my head "oww..."

"Aww is my poor Jeongie ok?" Crap its Irene-unnie

"No unnie this stupid idiot face desk hit my head.."I said with aegyo and Irene came and hugged me 

"Awww BAD DESK! its ok My little Jeongjeong!!!!"she said while squeezing me no harrasing me no ASUALTING ME with love ofcourse

"Unnie wanna come stay with me over at my house today??"i really want her to come over and play some Fortnite and go off on rats who don't belong they are maybe we will go against Sehun and Vernon 

"awww how could i say no??'' I swear Irene unnie has the kindest heart..

"ok lets go then we will be driving in Seh-"

"w-wait w-were d-drive in S-Sehuns car" Hmm somethings fishy hear

"Yeah why are you acting so we-waiiittt holld onnn *smirk* Do you like Sehun??'' Im pretty sure she does i just gotta confirm my theory

"Uh-hhh fine I do but I'm afraid he won't like me I'm short weird and I'm old..." Wait did I here that correctly

"Wait Irene how could you have insecurities your an awesome beautiful person and plus who cares if your short your nice and are a great cook" I'm sorry she is just outstanding in everything I picked her for a reason ya know?

"OK I'll ask him out today I'll try at least even if he doesn't like me I'll be happy I gathered happyl!"

"That's my girl!Go for it I'm rooting for you...and plus I want neices am nep-OWWWW" I got smacked by irene on the head

"YAH!Dont act like he said yes I haven't even asked your way ahead of yourself" she was right but if he says no I will slap the gay outta him

"OK so shall we go?And have the night of our lives maybe go have a drink"don't judge me drinking gets my mind off of him....

" Sure!"I'm so glad to see Irene happy

Then a familiar man approached us...........



.no he can't be back its.........

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