{∆°Dont leave me°∆}

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I feel like shit right now "ARGH!" I threw my backpack at the ground while walking "Jimin calm down..." V said worried about me "I shouldn't of done that I feel like shit I made her cry I'm such a bitch" I said "Yah.park Jimin don't break yourself down I'm pretty sure shell comeback maybe you should go talk to her " Wait maybe I should!Thanks hyung!I'll go now bye~!"I said running to Jeongyeons house I got there a knocked on her door.she opened it and I can see her face was swollen from crying she was about to close it but then I stopped her"Jeongyeon I'm sorry please forgive me..."
"You really think that I'm gonna forgive you!"she said with tears rolling down her face " please I'm sorry don't cry we can be happy at school and everywhere!"I said but what she said next dropped my heart
"I'm moving schools Jimin......" She said those four words surprised me "WHAT?!?WAE?!?!!" I shouted "I just can't take anymore this city has been the home of all my bad memories this is were my father would rape me everyday and were my mom left me I would get touched my his workers and all he would do is watch now he left me u know its hard smiling if that
Smile is just a mask to cover the frown that has nautrully been plastered on me and you cheated on me here I'm moving to sm entertainment high school" she said and I started to tear up but then she hugged me"its OK I'm sorry your hurt I just think I deserve more you know?"she said with a sad smile and her eyes closed as I hugged her tight then a car pulled in "I'm sorry Jimin I have to go" she went into the car and left...


I felt sorry and mad leaving him but he hurt me and I'm done dealing with this bullshit anyways I have Sehun now it is a long drive and me and Sehun became closer as we reveal things about our friends apparently chanyeol has a crush on me but I told Sehun that he was cute and we both started laughing then we started talking crap about our members it was fun then I fell asleep......then we got there and Sehun woke me up we went into our apartment and we had our own rooms "Jeongyeon wanna go and get something to eat?"
"Yeah sure" once he said that I became very hungry we got in the car and drove"so were do you wanna go eat?"Sehun asked me

"Idk were do you wanna go?" I asked cause I was so hungry I could eat anything"how about we go too a Korean grill place?"he said which sounded mouth watering to me "OK that's fine" we drove there and ordered immediately the food came and I literally said fuck Jimin I have me some good ass food
"Thank you for the meal!" I said and started chowing on the food and we started grilling more meat "so tommorow we are gonna go to sm entertainment and we are gonna enroll into the school any thoughts?"
"Well personally I think that it is splendid and.......BITCH IM GONNA GO IFF ON ANYONE WHO DARE TALK DOWN ON ME!!!" I said as Sehun butted out laughing and so did I
"How about you Sehun?" I asked
"Well I think I'll have fun there you know?" He said and I nodded in agreement then we noticed the meat was done and put some on our plates
I made a wrap "here you go Sehun for being there for me!" I said doing aegyo "hahah..OK thanks" he said chewing on the wrap I made him after that we left and went back to our hotel and I went to my room and we both slept dreaming about how tommorow would end up.

The next morning................

i went down to make breakfast but i saw that someone already made it>"Good mornign jeongyeon"Sehun sai sounding half tired"Good morning"i said sounding half asleep too"come on eat"he said as he put a plate of pancakes down"WAAAHH!!! thanks!''i said chowing down again and honestly i dont know why im hella skinny i should be 330lb and living in my moms house but im not"woah slow down"sehun said slightly giggling but little did that how know I was finished "THANKS!!!!!" I said as I went to my room to get dressed I wore the uniform

i went down to make breakfast but i saw that someone already made it>"Good mornign jeongyeon"Sehun sai sounding half tired"Good morning"i said sounding half asleep too"come on eat"he said as he put a plate of pancakes down"WAAAHH!!! thanks!''i sai...

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Jeongyeons uniform

After I got ready I went down stairs and saw Sehun was not ready yet "SEHUN~OPPA ARE YOU READY YET?????" I shouted "YESSS" he said coming down we both ran to his car and started driving we got there and went to the principals office "hello how may I help you?" Said the principal."We would like to enroll into this school"Sehun said "Gladly Sehun!we missed you!" The principal said which surprised me "just sign these papers.we both sat down to sign the papers we were done and gave them to the principal " Thank you!!welcome to SM high school ! "He said " here are your schedules!"he said waving bye to us as we left "so what's ur first class?" Sehun asked "I have....... Science class!" I said excited cause I was especially good in that class "really me too!!" Sehun  said with excitement I was relieved that I was gonna be there with someone I knew as we walked there boys kept staring at me "Sehun is there something wrong with my face?!" I aid worried "no,why?" He said confused "boys keep staring at me" I said confused as why they were staring at me "well I guess your really pretty" he said as I blushed at what he said we arrived at the classroom. We went in the the teacher called us up "Good morning class today we have two new students." He said signaling for us to introduce ourselves "hello my name is Yoo. Jeongyeon nice too meet you!" I said bowing and waving with both of my hands "hello I am Sehun I'm glad to be here please treat us well" after that we both bowed "good now you both can go sit at those desks " Mr.Park said
We went to go sit down and I saw Yeri I waved to her and she waved and smiled back and I just have this feeling that this will be a great year.......

Authors note:yo watt up dudes I'm so sorry for the wait I've just been so lazy watching dtna stages and Shane Dawson theories but if you guys have any suggestion for the story or questions comment them and I will promise to read all 🤗anyways make sure to eat well and sleep well😊 goodbye~∆€£}

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