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                Every human being has a protector, we are known as the, “Guardians.”  We are from the celestial. A lot of Mortals view us as, “Angels,” but however, we aren’t.  Well not necessarily, we do have the same concept in mind; to protect our mortal. Your perceptions of angels have wings, a halo, dress in all white and have this heavenly glow; we don’t. Angels simply don’t exist; it’s just us Guardians here, who happen to be wingless. We don’t obtain a heavenly glow, no halo, but we do wear white apparel, well any color that’s on a bright color scheme.

                I am the Guardian of this teenage boy named Newt and it’s my job to protect him. Although, not every Guardian can get to their mortal in enough time and well, they die.  In most mortals minds they assume that us Guardians only have one occupation to execute, but we don’t. It’s not just to safeguard them, we must test them to see if they are worthy of fulfilling the role of a Guardian.  Testing mortals for the role takes years to see if they are dauntless and candid enough for it. Sometimes people spend innumerable years watching over a Mortal to find out that they aren’t fit for the position, so they have to let their Mortal go and shelter a new one. Most of us often get emotional attachments to them and sometimes it’s really hard to let go. 

                Each Guardian was once a human being that was chosen to fulfill a higher purpose in the afterlife.  Now we possess immortality, but that doesn’t mean we cannot die. We never age, so of course we can’t die of old age, but we can die from unadorned things, such as, from bullets, stab wounds and so forth.  However, we cannot die from diseases or any natural occurrences, like natural disasters.

                Our occupation requires multitudinous effort, sometimes some of us have more than one Mortal to safeguard, since myriads of Humans are being born, it becomes very difficult to find each of them a Guardian. It’s getting more strenuous to find an equivalent balance between Mortals and Guardians, so some have to double or even triple up on Mortals if it becomes that serious. It’s been one month since we have chosen a new Guardian,  because none of them were fit to become a Guardian, well at least, not yet anyway.

                Our jobs are becoming a lot more strenuous now, due to our world being in a conundrum. Just like there are Guardians, there are Obliterators. They are similar to Mortals perceptions of a Devil, but they don’t have chili pepper red skin. Although, they do have horns, which separates out physical appearances apart, because they can easily disguise as us if they wanted to, but with the horns they cannot. The obliterators seek to annihilate the Guardian race and more and more of my people are disappearing every day. We are losing our gasp on control here, which makes us even more vulnerable and easily taken as the prey. The administers try to reassure us that everything is just fine and my gullible people at my lower rank status believe every word; not even the slightest bit curious as to what is occurring; it infuriates me.

                My assumption is that they are being taken away by the Obliterators, so when there are less Guardians, then there are abandoned Mortals for grabbing and turning them over to the dark side. Guardians and Obliterators have control over Mortals minds; we can make them do whatever we want them to, but there is a risky result to it. We can easily manipulate you Mortals and cheat to get you on our side, but if we do it won’t turn out as expected. They won’t be themselves; they will become mindless drones, because they had no say-so in their life, so they won’t in the celestial either. Furthermore, over time, they will become a weapon of mass destruction, which will become a hazard to my world.

                The crime rate in the Mortals world is reaching drastic measures, so as Mortals grow more custom to crime, so it concludes into more Obliterators and less Guardians. Thankfully, I have this olive skin toned, ectomorph, teenage boy named Newt. I know he doesn’t sound like much, but it isn’t about his strength which makes him suitable to be a Guardian, it’s his character. Currently, he is fifteen, turning sixteen tomorrow, but this idiotic age restriction which prohibits any Mortal under eighteen to be a Guardian. My superiors fear that the same incident will occur again, where this immature girl was chosen at the age sixteen and tried to destroy our system.

                The downcast of choosing a Guardian, is that you have to take them out of their world and some have such lovely lives and caring family members. So, when they come here to the celestial, their memories will be wiped out completely and they won’t have any recognition of their past and ones that they loved. We have no choice; we can’t let the Obliterator’s have them.

                I should enlighten you about Newt’s current living situation, before I give you an insight on his life.


                Newt lives in a society where brawl breaks out from every corner. The violence has reached a perilous high, due to the Dictator. His nation use to be a Democratic-Republic, but now it has become a Dictatorship. Newt’s nation was taken over thirty years ago, before his existence. Crime was hectic at that time period and people felt that their corrupt government wasn’t helping the crime rate decline, so they took matters into their own hands. They decided to take down the government officials and put people in charge who they felt would actually make a difference, but that made the situation odious. The government got too distracted with the havoc with the civilians, which enabled a series of attacks to occur. The government was taken off guard and didn’t have ample time to ward off the attackers, from dealing with the civilians and the predicament got worse and the government collapsed.

                During the series of attacks, the president was assassinated, which meant the end of the Democratic-Republic. So the person in charge of the attack took control of the nation and formed the Dictatorship. The Dictator doesn’t care about anything besides power and money. He allows anyone to enter the nation only if they pay the fee.  This helps boost up the crime rate, because they don’t do any background checks for any criminal records. So, most of them are very hazardous and come, because they have dangerous objectives they want to accomplish.  This leads to death and destruction in the nation, which makes it hard for the civilians to trust each other, because it only leads to a life of anguish and death.




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