Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

            Today is Newt's sixteenth birthday, and he is having a small get-together with his friends, at his house.

                There is a loud thud at the door, which startles Newt. "Open Up! It's the territorial dominion Officers!" a deep threatening voice demands. Newt is trembling in terror; his eyes are wide with fear. He lets out a deep breath and tries to swallows the lump in his throat.        

        "Am. I. Am coming," Newt croaks out. He steps forward towards the door slowly, and his quivering hand turns the knob and once the door fully opens, Newt seals his eyes, tightly shut, not wanting to see the officer's next move.  After several, agonizing seconds later, nothing happens. Newt slowly opens his eyelids to observe someone, with hair, the color of honey, and emerald green eyes looking at him; Miles.  Miles gives Newt a toothy grin, which forms eye creases.  Miles can be such a jerk at times.

                Newt is in complete shock; not even able to communicate. Whereas, Miles is guffawing at the sight of Newt's appearance. Newt snaps out of his daze and rage fills him. Newt's dazed eyes, turns into a menacing glare.

                "Happy birth-." Miles is cut off by a vigorous push by Newt. The wind gets knocked out of Miles and he begins to gasp for air. He releases a loud groan and sits up to make eye contact with Newt. Newt is still glaring at Miles's terror written eyes. Miles swallows hard, at the sight of Newt's hostile expression. Miles opens his mouth to say something, but Newt interrupts him.

        "Just save it you prick. This is the way you greet me on my birthday?"  Newt says, asking a rhetorical question. Newt takes a deep breath to help dispatch some of his rage, and continues. "So, you decide to pull a prank on me. You fucking scared the crap out of me! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Newt shouts in dander.

                "Newt. Quite down," Miles begs.

                "Don't you tell me what to fucking do!" Newt shouts at him, in an aggravated tone.

                "Please," Miles begs. "You will attract attention."

                "Fine," Newt says with animosity, and pulls miles up, aggressively, to his feet and drags him inside and slams the door shut.

         "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" Miles repeats continuously, as Newt continues to pull him aggressively by the arm. Newt finally releases Miles, and he stumbles back a bit, but sustains his balance. Man! I wish he fell. The guy is a jerk and he deserves it, but I am surprised Newt is able to overpower Miles. Newt has an ectomorph body figure and Miles is a little more built than him. Perhaps, Miles didn't want to hurt him or he was just to frighten to fight back.

                "Oh-Shut up," Newt says with an eye roll.

                "Am sorry buddy. I didn't know this was going to make you have a heart attack," Miles apologies, with sincerity in his voice.

                "You're lucky I didn't die, or I would have come back as a ghost and kicked your ass," Newt says in a joking manner, which brings a slight grin on his face.

                "Thank goodness you are no longer angry. I thought you were one step away from murdering me," Miles blurts out and sighs with relief, that Newt is no longer furious with him. Miles slowly walks over to Newt and hands him a glossy envelope. "Um....Here. Happy birthday Newt."

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