Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

            Newt is lying in bed with a damp cloth on his forehead. His eyes begin to flutter open, and Newts shaky hand slowly reaches the damp cloth, with a daze of confusion written all over his face. At first, he lightly touches the damp cloth to get a feel of it, and once he knows what it is, he takes it off his forehead and lowers it to get a better view of it.

         Newt grits his teeth in anguish and touches his scarlet cheek with his free hand. I'm still astonished that his cheek is still red; that must have been some slap.

            Once he touches it, he flinches from the anguish. He grits his teeth and extends his jaw, hoping that would cease the pain.

            He throws the damp cloth on his nightstand, aggressively in confusion. He bites his lip as he attempts to sit up in bed. He groans at his raging headaches, and takes a deep breath and begins mouthing, "One...Two...Three," and pushes himself off of the bed. Instantly, his foot sinks into some chucky liquid inside a bucket. Newt shuts his eyes in frustration and bites his tongue, to stop any words from being released.

            He slowly opens his eyelids and tilts his head at the floor, to observe what he is standing in; a bucket of his vomit. "Fuck!" He blurts out in rage. Haha, sucks for you Newt.

            He starts gagging, and covers his mouth, while squinting his eyes, as he lifts his foot out of the vomit. He attempts to hop out of the room, trying to not get a lot vomit all over his floor, but that soon fails. His raging headache kicks in, along with his lightheadedness, which is not a good combination, and he loses his balance, but quickly grips the nightstand to prevent him from falling.

A shriek of pain fills the air, and he lowers himself to the ground in silence. He bites the inside of his cheek and looks at his scraped up hands. Then his attention goes to his foot, caked in vomit. A look of disgust spreads across his face, and he combs his fingers through his hair in irritation.

            He releases a long sigh, and lowers his face into his bloody, scraped up hands. Newt sits in silence for several minutes, uncertain of what to do, while covering his face. Seconds later, Newt is startled by a knock on the door.

            He mumbles, "Shit," under his breath, because he doesn't want anyone to see him like this.

            "Hey Newt, can I come in for a minute?" a female voice asks in a hushed whisper.

            "Um...No...I'm-Um. I'm naked!" Newt shouts.

            "Nice try. I'm coming in."

            "Wait! No! I-" Newt is interrupted by a girl with midnight blue hair; Teresa.

            "Sorry I had to intrude on whatever you were doing, but mom-Told-Me-" her voice decreases into an undecipherable whisper. Then she notices Newts foot covered in vomit, "Oh my!" She begins to guffaw at Newt.

            "Great!" He shouts sarcastically, "Out of all people I get you."

            "Well, it's better than having Minho see you like this."

            "So true." They both begin to roar in laughter.

            "I'm not going to ask, but you should know that you deserved this from what you did yesterday."

            "What?" Newt asks in a daze of confusion.

            "Um...nothing," Teresa responds, shaking the thought of what happened yesterday out of her mind. She swallows hard and continues, "This isn't the best time to tell you this, but Miles is in the hospital. So get yourself together so you can visit him before it gets too late." She hates to see her little brother like this, "He's not dead Newt, it will be okay." She attempts to comfort her brother.  So when he doesn't say anything else, she exits, and shuts the door lightly.

            Newt snaps out of his daze and rage soon fuels him. He slams his scraped hands, vigorously against the dark cherry floor boards. He grits his teeth to prevent any shrieks of anguish from coming out.

            "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he screams in a continuous pattern, followed by the fist slamming into the floor. He finally stops after a minute or so.

            He releases a strangled cry, from the excruciating pain, or from Miles being injured. I know Newt cares about Miles so much, but is this necessary? Humans tend to die, or get hurt so often, why do you continue to let it get to you? Emotions make you weak.

            After approximately, five minutes of Newt starring off once again, he finally pushes himself off the floor and walks out of his room


            I'll spear you the details of Newt showering and relieving himself, because who really wants to know all of that.

            It takes Newt twenty minutes to exit the bathroom, because he continuously cleans of his foot coated in regurgitation.  He returns back to his room, wrapped in a white towel, and avoids stepping in his vomit bucket, and former vomit footsteps.

            He opens his wardrobe, and goes through several selections of attire. He finally decides on a plain light grey T-shirt, with black pants, after putting lotion all over his body.

            After putting on his apparel, he slips on his black socks, then his scraped up, dull black sneakers.

            Before Newt heads downstairs, he cleans up the vomit and blood on his floor. He began to gag, but he didn't regurgitate. Thank goodness.


            I hope you guys enjoy it so far, sorry if this chapter is so boring, but trust me things will get way more exciting, or action packed a few more chapters into the story. 

        Do you guys like it so far? if not, you can comment below what i am doing wrong, or what i need to add.

                                     Please vote and comment, BYEEE!

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