Chapter 4

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Song of the day:

"Centuries" by Fall Out Boy

Chapter 4

        Its break time; every guardian needs a break time to refresh themselves. So they can eat, rest, and relieve themselves. Even though we are guardians, we are very much like you. We require ample amounts of sleep to function properly.

        Guardians work on an average twelve hours per day, and some work more than that. We behold a stronger stability than mortals. So we can stay at the transmitter device for six hours straight for the average guardian, unless you're Asa and want to go above and beyond. But we need a break after that; we aren't tired, it's just that we need to refresh our minds ourselves from entering a mundane state.

        So on a daily basis, we work for six hours, then take our two hour break doing whatever we desire, and work for another six hours. After our twelve hour work shift is accomplished, we spend the rest of our time eating, sleeping, and whatnot.

        It's my break time now. I disconnect the transmitter electrodes off the surface of my mocha toned skin. I unplug a five by four, smooth, royal blue device, known as a alerter. It resembles a tablet. I run my hands along its smooth surface and admire the way it glistens in the fluorescent light. I turn it on and witness my starry night wallpaper. I enter my passcode.


        The starry night lock screen disappears, leaving me staring at the mortal locator inserter. I type in Newt's name, age, gender, race and address. Newt's name pops up, with a photo along with it.

                                                     Name: Newton Thomas Lancaster

                                                                             Age: 16

                                                                      Gender: Male

                                                                   Race: Caucasian

                                                       Address: sector Salvador #24, Benoni

        Next to it reveals a photo of him when he was thirteen. He was sitting down with his plump pink lips curved into a wide grin, which forms eye ceases. His baby blue eyes are wide and filled with joy. His unruly, curly blond mop head hair, shimmering in the natural sunlight, but what I admire most about this photo is his lightly spotted freckles surrounding his olive toned nose.

        I click confirm and wait until it's done and put it on sleep mode, and slip it into my bag.

        The significance of the alerter, is to alert you if your mortal is in danger, or when something significant occurs, since you're no longer connected to the transmitter. So by having the alerter, it tells you when something important happens, and to get to your transmitter immediately, but however, you might not reach your mortal in time, which is the risk we take, and some might end up dead or badly Injured before you can determine if they are worthy enough for the role.

        Every move we make determines if a mortal lives or dies; it's stressful.

        I tend to avoid the thought of Newt dying, to avoid the feeling of failure. I watched over him for three years, and witness a lot of stupidity, but intelligence also. I've seen him age, and his family. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a family, since I have none.

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