Part 4

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(Tiiiiiiimmmmeeee juuummmmmpppppp!!!!!!! Right after the war. Sorry I got bored. Also this chapter is a little bit sexual so if you're young I would advise you not to read this. )
Ginny's POV.
We just got back to the burrow. I went outside to sit by "our tree" to just be alone and cry. I start crying  right when George walks out.
"Hey Gin..." he says.
" are you holding up?" I ask wiping the tears from my face.
"Well.....not great gin....I...i miss him...gin...he's been gone 2 hours...and....and I..I miss him Ginny." He says and starts crying in my arms and I cry with him silently. We cry for about an hour. George is asleep on the grass. I'm sitting there crying when I hear rustling behind me. "Please just go away Harry. I don't want to talk right now." I say wiping my eyes.
"Ok I'll let Harry know." A voice behind me says. I recognize that voice. It's a voice I heard everyday. Everyday for 16 years. Fred. But no it couldn't be. Fred died. " Fred?" I ask.
"Yeah gin?" He says.
"But...but how?" I ask rushing to hug him.
"The wall just knocked me out. It didn't kill me." He says
"You should wake up George he'll want to see you." I say after I stop hugging him
"Ok. George.... George wake up. " he says shaking George.
"Ginny?" He asks not opening his eyes.
"Nope try again I guess losing your ear made you not able to recognize your twins voice." Fred says smirking
"Fred?" George asks. "But..but you..."
"The wall knocked me out,didn't kill me. You thought I'd leave easily? No." He says. They hug and don't stop for a while.
"Does mum know?" George asks.
"No. Thought we'd reveal at dinner." Fred says. " scare her a little."
"Brilliant!" George says.
"Now Ginny here has to find Harry tell him something right gin?" Fred says
"Yeah gin. Go find him." George says
"Ok see you guys at dinner." I say and run to find him. "Mum have you seen Harry?"
"Yes dear he's with Your brothers and Hermione upstairs. Why dear?" She says
"Thanks mum." I say and run upstairs
I find them sitting and playing truth or dare. I see Fred and George up there so it make sense why they're playing a game. I assume they told them about their plan since I didn't hear anything from downstairs. Fred and George smirk at me. I smirk back.
I see Harry so I bend down sit on his lap and kiss him long and hard. Then I get up and walk downstairs to help mum with dinner. Leaving Harry very confused and then I hear laughing.

At dinner
"Dinner's ready!" Mum yells. Fred walks down last and asks  "what's for dinner mum?"
Mum has a confused angry and happy expression on her face. First she hugs him then hits him then hugs him again.  The Fred explains how he's alive.

After dinner
Harry walks up to me.
"Hey Harry!" I say
He just looks confused
"What you look like you just saw a ghost. Are you alright?" I ask
He kisses me hard and I kiss him back he leads me into my room (where mum assigned us to sleep) and pushes me up against the wall. He takes off my shirt and caresses me. I take off his shirt and he unclasps my bra. Next thing I know there's a pile of clothes  on the ground and I'm laying next to the love of my life, naked.
"Hey gin?" Harry asks sleepily
"Yeah?" I ask
" I have to go pickup teddy tomorrow because he's too much for andromeda do you want to go with me? And... do you want to be my girlfriend and help me raise teddy?" He asks
"Yes." I say
"To which one?"
"All of them"
And he kisses me and we fall asleep.

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