A day with sirius? (That sounds dangerous)

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3 months later

Ginny's POV
"Harry!" I yell.
"Yeah gin?" He yells back
"Can you come here for a sec?" I ask
"Yeah what's up gin?" He asks
"Closer." I say
"Is this close enough?" He asks getting as close as my 5 month belly will let him.
"Perfect." I say putting my arms around his neck.
He leans towards me and kisses me.
I attempt to jump onto him but couldn't get my legs past his knees.  I throw my head back laughing. He grabs my legs and puts them on his waist.
He then pushes me gently up against our bedroom wall. I start making out with him. He pushes me farther up the wall. And then suddenly there's a 'pop' sound.
"What was that?" I ask
" I don't know." He says
"I'll go get teddy you find them." I say jumping down from his waist. My feet hit the floor and I wince in pain.
"You ok?" He asks
"Yeah I'm fine" I say and kiss him and go find teddy.
I grab teddy and hold him to my chest when Harry yells "Gin it's just Sirius!"
"Sirius?" I say walking downstairs
"Hello Ginny." Sirius say
"What the hell!" I say hitting him. "You scared me!"
"Sorry Ginny." He says "I just wanted to know if you wanted me to take Teddy today."
"Sure!" Harry says
"Umm...ok I guess." I say.
"Great!" Sirius says taking teddy from my arms. "I'll have him back by 6"
"Ok." I say.
He then disapparates with teddy.
Warning gets sexual!
"Would you like to continue miss Weasley?" Harry asks
"Why yes mister potter  I would but I believe that you'll have to help me onto your waist."
"As you wish." He says lifting me onto his waist with ease.
He then gently presses me against a wall and scoots me back up the wall gently so my waist is now level with is chest.  He kisses my stomach and starts trailing downwards.
"Harry." I sigh in pleasure.
He's now carrying me to the couch. He lays me on the couch and starts kissing me everywhere. And I mean everywhere. He gives me a few hickeys in different places on my body. Before we're laying there. We didn't get fully undressed so we're just laying there. Me in only a bra and underwear and Harry in just his boxers.
The couch is so small that I have to lay on top of him. He's caressing my side and stomach as I drifted off into a deep sleep.
Harry's POV
As I caressGinny's side she drifts off to sleep. I just sat there with her for a few hours until she woke up.
"Hey...did you sleep at all?" She asks sleepily.
"No." I say
"You should you've been up with teddy every night for a month." She says.
"Because you're growing our baby inside of you the least I can do is take care of my godson." I say.
"Yes and if you could grow this baby you would." She says
"Yes I would after all that I put you through." I say
"All that you put me through? What did you put me through Harry?" She asks
"A war. I put you through a war where you thought you lost your brother. And you lost friends." I say.
I hate when we fight.
"You didn't put me through a war Harry! Voldemort did!" She yells
"Yes but if I didn't get close to you he wouldn't have targeted you." I say
"He would have still targeted me Harry! He targeted everyone in gryffindor! After dumbledore died snape and the rest of his death eater friends used the cruciartus(A/N idk how to spell it.) curse on all Gryffindor's! You see this scar Harry?" I yell pulling my shirt up and pointing to a scar.
"Yeah." I say
"You wanna know how I got that?!" She  starts to yell and then there's a pop
"Hey Harry!Ginny!" Sirius says
"How was it with teddy?" I ask.
"Perfect." He says after a minute.
"We'll finish our discussion later Harry." Gin says
Sirius' POV
"How was it with teddy?" Harry asks.
Flashbacks of the day come flooding in how he wouldn't stop crying for the first hour. Then how I taught him how to be a wingman.
"Perfect." I say after a minute.
"We'll finish our discussion later Harry." Ginny said then takes teddy from my arms. I did notice a hickey on Ginny's neck though
I could tell they were in a fight.
"Well I'll get going." I say and disapparate.
Ginny's POV.
I was putting teddy down in a high chair when I feel hands on my stomach and a chin on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry." Harry says
I let a tear slip down my face
"Do you want to know how I got the scar Harry?" I ask
He nods
"Antonin Dolohov used the cruciartus curse on me so many times that I had to be taken to St. mungos by mcgonnagal to have them deliver my baby." I say letting another tear fall down my cheek. "Our baby didn't survive 5 minutes Harry!"
He hugs me tightly petting my hair to calm me while I cry.
"I'm so sorry ginny " he says
After a while I stop crying
"That's why I was so scared when I had that dream." I say.
"It's ok gin." He says pulling me into his arms then he leans down and kisses my stomach slowly. He then instead of getting up he gives me another hickey. Before I have time to fuss at him teddy starts crying. I pick him up and start to rock him. "We didn't forget about you teddy." I say." Ok let's feed our little boy."

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