Birthdays and surprises.

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Harry's POV
I start to wonder where Ginny went and Hermione's gone too. I hear a 'pop' sound so walk outside. To see Ginny and Hermione outside. I run to Ginny pick her up and spin her around.  "Harry I was gone an hour " she says laughing.
"I know. I just missed you." I tell her and give her a kiss. "Besides I didn't get a good morning kiss."
"Well good morning." She says kissing me again.
"Morning." I say.
"Where's teddy?" She asks.
"Inside." I say and start to follow her inside.
"Harry can I talk to you for a minute?" Mione asks.
"Sure mione. I'll be in soon gin." I yell to Ginny.
"Ginny's birthday is tomorrow so...." she says

Ginny's POV

"Teddy I won't be seeing you a lot after tomorrow... so this is goodbye buddy. I love you. " I say and give him a kiss.
Harry walks in.
"Everything alright gin?" He asks
"Yeah. Fine. " I say.

The next night
"Harry I can't do this anymore!" I yell
"Do what?" He asks
"Us!" I yell and disapparate.
I arrive at my destination and vomit outside.
*Flashback *
That morning
Ginny's POV.
I wake up to lips on mine. I smile and open my eyes.
"Morning birthday girl!" Harry says
"Morning!What time is it?" I say.
"8:30. What do you want to do?" He asks
"Well..." I say smirking and he kisses me.
10:30 am
"What else do you want to do?" Harry asks
"Want to go to a muggle baby store to get things for teddy?" I ask
"Whatever you want." He says and we apparate to a muggle store
5:30 pm
I walk into the burrow and find a surprise party.
"Harry what is this?" I ask.
"A surprise party." He says.
"Can I talk to you outside for a minute." I ask
"Yeah sure." He says and we walk outside
I say a silencing spell and we start talking.
Ginny's POV
I arrive outside of the joke shop. I know no one is there so I walk in. I sit on the floor and cry with the lights off. 10 minutes later I hear the door open so I get out my wand. I hear the footsteps coming towards me. I wipe the tears off of my face and get ready to cast spells.
When I see Harry's face emerge from behind a box. I lower my wand.
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"Looking for you." He says
"Why?" I ask
"Because I love you Ginny." He says grabbing my face with one hand and leaning in to kiss me. But I turn away before he can.
"Harry.... I'm pregnant." I say looking him in the eye for the first time that night.

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