Memories in the making

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Ginny's POV
It's been 2 months since Harry asked me to move in with him. I now had Teddy's room set up and the nursery for our baby. We still didn't know the gender of the baby.
I was holding Teddy in one hand and pulling my hair up with the other.
"Harry! Will you come up here please?" I yell
"Yeah gin?" He asks
"Will you take teddy and get him dressed?" I ask
"Sure gin." He says and takes teddy out of my arms and walking to Teddy's room. I pull my shirt off and start to put on another shirt.
"Harry! Harry!" I say running into teddy's room. And kissing Harry so hard he almost falls over and drops teddy.
"What is it gin?" He asks
I take his hand and place it on my stomach.
"I have a bump Harry!" I say excitedly.
He kisses me.
"Ok are you ready?" I ask
"Yes." He says
"Ok can you get Teddy ready while I finish getting ready?" I ask
"Of course sweetie." He says
"Thank you!" I say and kiss him "I'll get him ready tomorrow."
"Ok only if you're ready and not stressed out ok sweetie." He says
"You know I love you right?" I yell back
"I know." He yells back.
"Ok I'm ready!" I say walking in to teddy's room "I can take car of teddy now."
"Ginny..." he says.
"Yeah?" I ask
"Shoes." He says
"Right!" I say and rush and get shoes.
"Now I'm ready." I say.
"Ok let's go." He says picking teddy up.
"You should have let me get him ready." I say
"You were busy." He says.
"Ok fine you win. " I say.
And we apparate to St.Mungos
"Hello I have a 8:30 ultrasound appointment." I say
"Name?" The nurse asks
"Ginny Weasley." I say
"Right this way." She says
She leads me down a hall and into a room marked 301
"The doctor will be in in just a moment." She says and walks out.
"Harry..." I ask
"Yeah gin?" He asks trying to calm teddy.
"Do you want me to take teddy?" I ask hearing teddy's cries
"Sure." He says
I take teddy as Harry hands me him. As soon as he sees my face he starts to calm down. He stops crying and starts to coo.
"Gingin" Harry says
"Yeah?" I ask not taking my eyes off of Teddy.
"You're good at that."he says.
I look up to see him staring into my eyes.
"Come here." I say and he leans in and kisses me. As soon as he deepens the kiss the door opens and the doctor walks in.
"Oh I'm sorry!" She says blushing.
"It's ok." I say.
"Miss Weasley correct?" She asks
"Yes." I say
"Ok please lift your shirt" she says
So I do.
"This may be cold." She says and then puts a cold liquid on my stomach and a weird machine. Suddenly she's telling me
"This Miss Weasley is your baby." She says pointing to a dot on her screen.
Suddenly I feel the whole world stop in just staring at the dot.
"That's my baby." I mumble
"Yes it is Miss Weasley would you like to hear the heartbeat?"
"Yes." I say quickly
And suddenly I'm hearing my baby's heartbeat.
I look towards Harry. He hasn't taken his eyes off of the dot.
"Harry?" I say. He doesn't answer.
"Harry?" I say again.
"Y-yeah gin?" He says taking his eyes off of the dot and looking at me.
"Well the appointment is over now miss Weasley you can leave whenever you're ready." She says wiping off my stomach and handing me a picture.
"Thank you!" I say as she walks out.
" Harry can we go to grimuald place and call a meeting  today? I think now is as good if time to tell everyone "
"Sure Gin." He says
"Oh and can we floo there it doesn't make me nauseous." I ask
"Of course anything for you." He says
"I'm sorry I'm asking so much Harry." I say.
"It all ok Gin." He says
"Really?" I ask suspiciously
"Really." He says kissing my head.
I get up and we floo home.

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