Give it a Chance Ch. 3

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Give it a Chance, A SonAmy Story

Chapter 3

Something Fun

It would be a fair assumption to say that since we last saw our heroine, she'd been dreaming up all sorts of wonderfully romanticdates with her hero. And you wouldn't be too far off. Of course, this was no different than any other week...and yet it wasdifferent. Becuase now, they were actually going to happen. Amy didn't have to live in her dreams anymore, because her new reality was that Sonic was willing to "do whatever" with her for a few hours every week.

Oh, but what to do? Amy had had hundreds of ideas for dates before, but now she was considering what Sonic would want to do. She wanted him to be happy, for her happiness sort of depended on his. If nothing else, Amy wanted to impress him, make Sonic want to continue doing this.

It had been her "big sister, Rouge, who had told her: "You need to take it slow, Amy. Sonic is not ready for all that mushiness yet. Take him on some simple, fun dates first so you two will get more comfortable, and then Sonic will be more than willing to do all that romance swimming in your head. The boy obviously likes you, but you have to be patient with him."

She was glad she had someone like Rouge to go to for this type of thing. And it wasn't like this girl didn't know how to wait. So Amy took the more experienced girl at her word and settled on a fun outing in the park. And as much as Sonic hated sitting still, she'd decided to add a little...action as well.

"So what are we doing this weekend?" Sonic asked her over the phone. Now there was a question that would never get old.

"How about we go to the park?" Amy suggested. "I was thinking we could go skating."

Sonic raised an eyebrow. "Skating, huh?"

"Yeah, I thought it might even it out a little."

Sonic laughed, and Amy was glad he seemed to be in such a good mood. Had he been looking forward to this as much as she had?

"Well, I don't know how much that will help," Sonic teased, and Amy pictured his green eyes dancing.

"So I guess I'll meet you there, then?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon," he said and hung up.

Not wanting to keep Sonic waiting for too long, Amy quickly changed into the more active outfit of jean shorts and a red top and hurried to get to the park. She was impatient to see Sonic as well. Amy hadn't seen him much at all this week. Instead of following him everywhere, Amy had spent her time watching TV, reading, cooking, hanging with the girls.

The happy pink hedgehog finally made it to the park and started the familiar search for blue fur and quills. She eventually found her crush casually leaned up against a tree, his head tilted up towards the sky, studying it. She wondered what he could be thinking about. Amy considered sneaking up on him, but as she approached the hedgehog he turned, his eyes getting big upon seeing her.

"Hi Amy," Sonic said and pushed himself off the tree so he could stand upright. He cocked his head a little as he smiled at her. Was it just him or did she look different? Besides the obvious fact that she was wearing different clothes. Something in her eyes, her smile- no, he was just imagining things.

"Hi Sonic," Amy said and beamed. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Nah, you didn't," he dismissed. "So you ready to go skating?"

Amy nodded, and the hedgehogs entered the skate shop.

"If I don't get these back we're going to have problems," Sonic joked with the clerk as he handed him his beloved shoes to trade off for skates.

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