Give it a Chance Ch. 11

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Give it a Chance, a SonAmy story

Chapter 11: Improvisation

"Let's see here, was that one egg or two?"

Brushing her stray bang quills out of her eyes with one ungloved hand, Amy used the other to reach for her cookbook, her bare fingertips grazing the flour covered page. She traced down the recipe once again, confirming her suspicions.

"Two," she breathed and then walked over to her fridge, opening the cold, humming appliance and rummaging through it until she finally came upon the eggs.

She took out the two smooth, ivory elliptical spheres and placed them on the counter next to the flour, sugar, and baking soda. Amy was a very methodical baker; she always pulled out all of the ingredients and then started cooking. That way, she didn't get halfway through the steps and then realize that she was out of something and have to run to the store to pick it up. It was much more efficient this way.

Planning ahead is so underrated.

Amy smiled to herself as she went back into the fridge to get out the milk and... special ingredients, giggling as she pictured the look on Sonic's face when she gave this to him. Oh, he'd be so happy; his eyes would light up, his lips would part in a grin, and he would smother her in a hug and bury her in kisses. Amy absolutely loved to bake anyway, but baking for Sonic? Now that had to be one of her favorite pass times.

Man... was this girl lucky or what? She had only the most sweet, heroic, witty, and handsome guy in the whole world as her boyfriend. And, given the chance, Sonic actually could be romantic. Why, just the other day, he'd written her two love letters, that were currently framed and hanging above her nightstand. A table that was soon becoming cluttered with roses, carnations, and lilies given by said hedgehog.

Amy couldn't help but squeal as she twirled around her kitchen, placing the milk next to her other ingredients. After looking back over the recipe, Amy realized she had everything ready and started measuring out the different ingredients. Contented hums drifted through the air of the kitchen, mingling with the sweet smells of soon to be baked goods as Amy started to work.

The timer suddenly buzzed from the corner, and Amy smiled at realizing that her first batch was done. After pulling on a flowered oven mitt, the pink hedgehog opened her oven door to remove a tray full of sizzling peanut butter cookies and set them down on her counter to cool off.

Sonic's going to love these, Amy thought. I just hope that I can finish everything soon.

She glanced up at the red-painted clock and winced. Was it really already 4:30? Better get going, Amy realized and turned back to her mixing bowl. The girl was getting so into the recipe that she was completely tuned out of everything else.

"Hey Amy."

The girl practically jumped out of her fur as she spun around, summoning her hammer almost involuntarily. Unfortunately, when Amy pulled it out, her mallet struck the mixing bowl, sending it flying off the counter and spilling her messy concoction all over her kitchen floor.

"Oooooh," Amy whined, but turned her eyes back up to her invader, to glare at him. "Sonic! What are you doing here?"

Chuckles escaped Sonic's lips as he crossed the kitchen floor, stepping right over the mess. "Good to see you too, Ames."

Amy merely scowled at him, upset that not only had he made her spill, but now the surprise was ruined. She bent over to start sopping up the mess with a kitchen towel. "How did you get in here, anyway?"

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