Chapter 5

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I woke up to blinding light, I was strapped onto a table. And there were men everywhere in the room. I felt very weak and like I couldn't move.

"Look who finally came to join us." Father laughed a sly laugh. "Ready for some fun?" He asked. "Thought so." He moved some needles on the table next to me. "Let's increase your teleportation." He grabbed a needle and injected my exposed rib with it. My blood curtling scream echoed through the whole room. 

"Fuck you." I hissed.

"Remember, be nice." He slapped me across my face. "Now let's make you weaker." He grabbed a green needle and injected it into my chest. Another big scream echoed.

"I hate you." I fumed.

"Darling, I dont care."He then cut my thigh open, but my blood healed it. "Now finally to make your blood unhealable." He grabbed a white needle and stuck it into my neck. I have never screamed so loud before, but I couldn't help myself. I was crying again, and I couldn't help it. After 15 more mintues I was taken back to the cage.


They carried her in she was bleeding and crying. Her screams still echoed in my head, hearing her scream was unbearable. I had tried to block it put, but nothing worked.

"Evee." I whispered to her putting my hand up to the link fence between us.

"Ray." She could barley speak, but she crawled slowly over and touched our hands together. "Ray, it hurts so much." She was shaking, and was closing her eyes sometimes to make the pain go away.

"I know, but focus on me. It will help." She she lifted her head up, when she heard the jangle of keys she realesed me, and crawled to the pther side of the cage. A man enter, and stuck a needle in Gavin's arm before picking him up and walking away with him.

"Evee? Are you okay?" Michael asked leaning towards her.

"I can't love you around them, Ray." She said looking at me painfully.


"Why not?" He asked sliding closer to the fence. 

"Beacause the last time I loved someone, they were ripped from me, by him. I fell in love with a boy in the cage next to mine when I first got here. He hadn't been injected with anything yet. They were shipping in from somewhere. He stayed with me when I was going through my transformations. We stole kisses through the fence, and during switch times. He was so nice, and calm through all of it." I sniffled and swiped some tears with my blood stained sleeve before countiuing. " One day he walked in on us holding hands through the fence, and took him away. He injected him right before my eyes, and made me watch all of it. You don't know pain until you watch someone you love become a zombie pigman before your eyes. He cried when his flesh first started coming off, then before his vocal cords were stripped away I heard the muffled words of I love you, then unreconizable screams, and unhuman actions. His guts poured from inside of himself, and I couldn't help but melt down. Nothing hurts more than reliving the picture of his bones scattered around his puddled organs." My voice faded out, when my cries became sobs. I felt so dizzy, I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I heard Ray's voice but nothing kept me awake.


"It took my so long to find my missing useless creeper boy. What a mistake injecting you shoulder blades." He laughed an evil laugh before turning to his blades. "Don't you miss having fun? The ting of blades hitting eachother. The cold air of air on blood." He picked up a blade before swiping it across my left rib. Laughing when I screamed. 

"Why are you so weak creeper?" He asked pulling out a smaller blade, I remember that one. "This is only your blade creeper." He traced the same triangle on my right hip.

"Why?" I cried out when he dug it in deeper on the last line.

"Why?" He repeated to himself. "Beacause it's so fucking fun!" He shouted into my ear before throwing the knife at the wall behind me.

"Sir the reqired syringes." A man said before setting down a box and walking out of the room. 

"Finally. I have been waiting for these syringes forever." He smiled before putting one in my arm, making me scream again. "Just for weakness, a thing you have so much of." He laughed and put a cut above my left eye. "Take him away." I was lifted and carried back into the cage. Until I well passed out.


They had brought back Gavin, but he had passed out just like Evee had. We don't know what they did, but there was screams I couldn't rid from my memories. They were both bleeding, but they would survive.  We heard the door unlock and in stepped the mad man.

"Which one of you is the one that she loves the most?" He had an evil grin. 

"I am."

Sorry its kinda short but cliffhanger! Enjoy tell me what you think!

Ender Girl? (Achievement Hunter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora