Chapter 6

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He took him away, he had sacrificed himself for me, why? I should be the one to do endure whatever it is he is going through, maybe it was to protect us. I just can't stand the fact that he said she was the one she loved the most, but he is a great guy. I look over to Evee to see her come to.

"Where is he?" She asks looking over to where he used to be.

"He came in and took him." I said not allowing myself to look her in the eyes knowing I gave up my friend.

"Why him?" She asked her voice scratchy and low.

"He came in looking for the one you love most, and he went before I could answer." I spoke still locking eyes with the ground.

"How could you let him go?" She had dissapointment dripping from her words. I looked up and her eyes were sunk in. 

"I am sorry I let him leave, but can't you teleport out of here." I looked back down, knowing I would lose it if she looked at me.

"No, he increased me range to teleport, but he made me weaker, I can't use anything. He even made me unhealable." She had muttered the last part hopeing I wouldn't catch it.

"How?" I had to ask hoping to change the subject of letting him go, not knowing what could be happening.

"Syringes. He has some for almost everything." She said wiping some of the blood off of her neck.

"I hope he is okay." I said looking over to the door.

"I would hope for something else." She was angry with me, so she turned her back to me. 


I was stripped of my shirt, leaving me in my jeans. He had got me cause I had said Evee loved me the most. I can't have Ray and Evee separated, and I can't have Ray go through whatever it is I am about to do. He came back in, with no one and nothing.

"So you are the new love pup." He spoke walking in and standing across from where I sat on the cement floor.

"Yes." I said looking him dead in the eye.

"You were not spoken to!" he screamed slapping me across the face." I won't make you a hybrid, I have better subjects for that. I have you here, cause I want Evee to crawl back to me." He spoke leaning against the wall. " When she left it hurt. I know you will never feel sorry for me and I don't care, cause it's either you listen to me or you die, so your choice, but anyway Evee left and it hurt because she is my daughter. She is all the family I have left. I want you to make her stay. You can talk now." 

"Why should I convince her to stay here?" I asked pointing around the cement room.

"As a small child Evee liked to play with the syringes. We would show her how we used the blood of the mob on an animal or the volunteers. One day she decided to do it to herself, she cut the x's and put herself in the cage next to a volunteer. She had picked the "pretty purple" one. She had transformed, you all have no idea how much I cried when I saw her transform. I couldn't sleep for weeks. As for the creeper boy, his mother had dropped him off and told us to use him to see how children reacted, but he was before my poor Evee." He wiped tears from his eyes.

"How do I know you aren't lying, and what about the crazy act, and the blood on my friends?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest. 

"I have this picture from before, when she used to play in the labs, and her she is with an ender pig." He shuffled through the picture smiling at each one. I saw that she before had blonde hair, and beautiful green eyes. 

"How did her mom die?" I asked as he sat across from me.

"She was killed in battle, when the zombie outbreak first hit, she had been in the army before, so she went out and never came back." He was crying again, he pulled out a picture from his lab coat pocket and showed it to me, she had blonde hair like Evee did, and blue eyes, Evee had gotten her eyes from her father.

"You never answered my other questions." I spoke handing back the picture.

"The crazy thing is being around chemical, it makes me black out, act crazy, become violent, and hungry. I try my best to control it, but I never can, I hope I will one day though. As for the blood, that would be the violent urges i was talking about, and I don't remember hurting Evee, the chemical hurt my memory severely." He was getting his act back together. "O here is your shirt, I don't know why they took it from you." He had a small short laugh before getting up and opening the door motioning me to walk out.

"Thanks, I guess, but can we leave?" I asked not understanding why we weren't allowed to leave this wierd place.

"I need Evee to promise she will stay. I want to help her control her ender, and hopefully learn to get rid of it." He said leading me down the hall and to the room we were all in. 

"I will try, but I can;t promise anything." I said turning the knob, he nodded understandingly, walking away. i entered to see Evee faced away from Ray and Ray looking longingly at her, Ryan, Geoff, and Jack sat quietly keeping to themselves. Gavin was sadly still passed out.

"Michael!" Evee said getting up and standing next to the gate. I walked over, there was no gaurds or anyone else in here, but us. I still needed a key to get them out. 

"What is going on are we allowed to leave?" Geoff asked as everyone else stood next  to the gate. Gavin lifted his head and stood by his as well.

"Evee your dad wants you to stay, and wants to help you." I said trying to not look at those purple eyes because i longed to see her green ones.

"What? After all of this he wants to help." I was getting angry she was acting innocent, when she knows she did it to herself.

"I know what you did Evee. You father isn't to blame for you to be an ender." I said getting pissed and looking her in the eye.

"How?" She began.

"Your dad told me, he wants to help you, and rid you of your mistake. I would tell everyone before I do." I threatened hopeing she would admit and not be a child about it.

"Tell me what lie my dad told you!" She screamed hitting her gate.

"That you used to play here after your mom died in the apocolypse, they uses animal and volunteers. You did it to yourself, and you stuck yourself next to a volunteer. You caused yourself pain and your father who lost every piece of family he had left!" I yelled the last sentence, and I knew I was right by the way she looked at me.

"Evee thats not true right?" Ray said sticking his head through the fence between them. Everyone was stood dumbfounded at Evee's scilence.

"I am so sorry." She whimmpered looking at all of us as she broke down crying in the corner of her cage.

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