When we were kids..

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Let's start from the time we were kids. Did you all ever notice that people always had two types of toys to buy you. If you were a boy , people who visited you would have brought you cars ,robots and sports play items. If you were a girl , you would have received dolls and barbies. Not saying that boys and girls aren't interested in these things , They surely are, but no one ever considers the possibility that girls might be interested in cars and vice versa and THAT is absolutely fine. In fact, even colors are classified into girls and boys colors. Like,what they heck is that? 

 Even those barbies were unfair. Who said that all girls are fair skinned? So, now even racism is inter wined into it. Yes, I do see on the internet that changes are being made about it but I don't really see those barbies in the market too much. And their bodies are slim as heck ,curve in the ''right places'' .Ugh. I'm 16 and let me tell you, I don't look anything like that and I bet a lot of girls would agree. And always barbies would be accompanied with ''tools'' that would help u dress her up , put on her makeup and do her hairstyle .Those are not bad things to do. Everyone does want to look good ,yes, but is that what just what all girls do?? I don't think so.

A few days ago, my brother who is in grade 4 had a fight with his friends and came home crying. And What did my mom do? Told him that only girls cry and as a boy he shouldn't do it. When I point that out to her, she just tells me to shut up. People cry when they're sad ,scared or worried and for  a lot more reasons. So does that ''boys don't cry '' tag indirectly signify that boys don't feel such emotions?

Wouldn't it be so much better if we stopped classifying people as boys and girls and specifying certain qualities to them and  instead consider everyone as individuals with different interests , emotions and mindset?

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