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If you are Indian guy  ,or to be more inclusive, a South Asian guy (correct me if I'm wrong),Good luck finding a girl who is  educated but less educated than you, tall but shorter than you , working but earning lesser than you. These are a few of the basic criteria that I found my relatives to be looking for when searching for a bride .  You may think, How is it possible to find a girl who matches all these? Well, arranged marriages are the key. Well, that is an entirely new topic , so lets talk about that later.

 Oh yeah, you thought caste system is pretty much useless? Nope. It is still one of the TOP things  in India people look for when getting married . Casteism  done. What about racism? Hell yeah. This is one of my true experiences . When in common family gatherings I have noticed this a lot. My dad's relatives take great pride in saying that my dad is ''fairer'' when compared to my mom . Cause mostly the norm is that , its okay for the guy to be dusky but for girls nah! In spite of my dad telling all of them that its okay, people still do say that.

I can't think of the countless times my family called a girl about to get married to my cousin as ''dark and ugly'' cause they chose to get married In spite of our whole family being against it. If you are someone who wonders why girls take so much effort to look nice and pretty, well, it is pretty much embedded in our minds that it is something we are meant to be . Mind you, dressing up for yourself is different, doing it to impress others ,which isn't wrong, but having that as the only sole purpose is different.

Once you are married, it doesn't matter if you work your ass off in the office you are still supposed to come back and 'serve' your husband and maintain your home. Obviously people want to live in nice surroundings and take care of their loved ones, but I feel like these efforts are taken only from one side .Food, clothing , shelter. Pretty much used by both genders but the females of the species are required to maintain it. Would it really hurt that much if both of them shared the burden? Ask my mom what her hobbies and interests are. She says that she USED to like to read. I have never seen her sit for at least an hour and read what she liked. Seems like you are living a life only to sacrifice it for others . 

But still lol why do people sign up for it willingly :P

(Abrupt ending i guess, hope no one minds xD)

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