Dressing up

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I am from India. So a lot of instances that I mention here would fit in to my country and to a few more as well

In India the traditional attire for women is a Saree but somehow over the years people have learnt to accept the  Churidhar as well and any other dress other than that would earn you stares. Not that you are perfectly ''fine'' in those two either. Boom! Pervs do exist hah!

 A lot of parents somehow have decided that girls are supposed to wear any one of those two mentioned. I do understand that no parent wants their daughter  to be stared at when at a common place , but is that the solution to solve the problem? Cover girls in layers and layers of clothing so that no one stares? Well, Boys can roam shirtless , that's fine! Shouldn't the ones who stare be told not to do that?

Girls who wear short or body hugging clothes are always at the receiving end of vulgar and rude comments.  A few of the comments that PEOPLE say are below. And by 'PEOPLE' I don't only refer to boys but to girls AS WELL

FAT ? don't wear tight clothes!. THIN ?Duh! why do you wear clothes like a gunny bag? TALL? Omg! You're wearing heels? you don't want to look taller than your boyfriend , do you? SHORT? You wanna camouflage on the floor or what? wear something that makes you taller! 

People would give comments about you no matter what. Society blames girls saying that by adopting to western clothes we ruin the Indian culture. I don't understand. From when did Pants and tee-shirts become the traditional Indian attire for men? People would talk and laugh behind your back because how YOU decide to dress up is somehow everyone's business. People would scan you from top to bottom to point out your flaws. FLAWS? No, they ain't flaws. 

When a girl is confident with her body and the dress she is wearing who are we to give out bad comments. Trust me, I've been among  many groups when they give out comments about another girl's body and dressing sense. Calling that out, makes me a 'spoilsport' or so lots of people say. Lets all ditch this mindset and learn to accept and embrace people for who they are. ''A girl is two things, who she is and what she wants to be''. A beautiful quote by Lilly Singh, my idol.

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