Marriage isn't a stop

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Today I was in a conversation with my friends. Our school year is almost over and hence a lot of us were feeling nostalgic and talking about how all these years of school have been and what we're going to do after this. Lot of them had really grand plans on what they would do in life . All topics ,from sucessful careers,travel to colouring our hair were discussed BUT there was one common line many of the girls said (I study in a girls school) in their list of aspirations. "Before I get married ,I wanna do ........". So when I raised the question on why all of them were too very particular on all of it being before marriage they said that they were not really sure of the possiblity of being allowed to do the things they wanted to do after marriage and many of them were really sure on not being allowed as well.
Sad, really really sad.
Even when I think of many things I sub consciously tell myself that I gotta do it before marriage, could be anything as simple as wanting to wear whatever WHATEVER I want (Please guys dont call me naive :3)
So now the question is , who's permission do all the girls need? Husband? Husband's family? Honestly, yes. They are the ones. Rebellious me would say that I dont need any of that.
Rebellious? So this is a situation that I need to rebel against?
Why is it that girls need someone to give them permission. Whenever I tell my dad that I dont agree with what he said, he says that I gotta follow his rules in his house until I get marriage. Cause obviously after that husband rules isn't it? When I tell my mom that I just wanna be able to do what I want to even after I get married, she says that noone would want to marry me if I set so many rules. I set so many rules? Really? Isn't the system bult such that the husband and his family set them and when I say that I have my own brain and wishes I become the bad "rebellious" girl who sets rules? When did i set ANY?
How is that rules? HOW?

Moreover the whole idea about how girls have to be successful but not above their husbands cause
1)Boys dont like that
2) Why would you want to be above your huband? Isn't it just nice when he's two steps above you? Thats what manly is . And thats how it is meant to be
Well thats what I got
I also feel that in a relationship , whoever is more successful be it in terms of positions in career or making more money or just anything it doesnt mean that the person who isn't as good as the other is one step below or less important , applies both for the boy and the girl. Its a relationship not a competition. BUT telling the girls that if they are the former "successful" ones in the relationship , it doesnt look good , is in my opinion, an indirect way of saying that it is a threat to the fragile masculinity of many.

I keep talking about marriage cause I'm not allowed to date but applies to a Boyfriend-girlfriend relationship as well. I'd appreciate your votes , comments and suggestions if any. Thanks! Please look at it from a broad mindset. In no way am I promoting girfriends or wives to be controlling either.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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