Why people prefer male kids over female?

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So, here's the thing. If you are someone who's from a country other than India (look at me , imaginin mysekf of having an international audience :P) lemme tell you, female infanticides a quite common here . Or if you belong to a family that's just not cruel enough to kill off their kids or the foetus ,good! BUT Still, a lot of families (including mine) prefer to have male kids over female kinds . Not that they dumped me or I got badly treated , its just the disappoinment on your relatives faces when they know that its a female child again. So I was just wondering as to what the reason behing this is and here's my small theory (I feel so fancy hah THEORY What??) Though there are many more reasons.
    Generally in India or anywhere in The world, when the parents die , their kids inherit all their stuff. And in India that statement would be more precise if I said , BOYS inherit all the stuff. Again , not saying that boys shouldn't but it can be gender neutral as well right? So if you are the only daughter ir your family only has daughters and no sons , then all those "stuff" are inherited by their son-in-laws , who inspite of marrying your daughter is still on a certain extent a "guy from another family" and hence families naturally do not prefer that but thats what has to happen! If you're sitting thinking about how money minded this is, come on everyone wants to have money , you or me wont go about donating our entire riches to the society (Though that would be nice of you :P) so yeah, sexist af
   Then comes dowry. Dowry is basically the practice of the girl's family, giving stuff of high monetary value , to the guys family while marrying their daughters off to that family. Marrying TO that family? Whole new topic fam. Thats for later hahha. Once upon a time in India , when dowey was in full swing, there were a lot of people from poor families who would commit suicide because of being unable of paying the dowry. Husbands being violent with their wives because of the wife's family , not giving enough and stuff like that. And all these still exist. Though significantly lesser, they still do exist. In well to do families , dowry is considered as a matter of pride. The more you do for your daughter the richer and more respectable you are in the society. There is a common joke in India where people jokingly comment on the dad's life earnings saying stuff like "Lol you have two daughters? Haha you might end up in the road next careful!!". Why only dads? Obbvvvioously moms aren't included in 'money matters'and their families gave dowry once upon a time as well haha got ya! Isn't this a good example of how sexism is EMBEDDED in the Indian culture in anything and everything? 
    Considering all these disadvantages on the girls side and none on the guys side, people obviously want boys more

Thats the end of my rant I guess, though Im never short of ideas regarding this topic .! Will update next soon Bye!

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