Are Enid Blyton's books sexist?

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For those of you who do not know , Enid Blyton is an author from the UK whose books are meant for kids. Before starting off let me say , Enid Blyton is THE reason I got into reading. No joke , there was a time when I was obssessed with her books. . But then eventually I did start reading other books and grew out of Enid Blyton's books. Now recently when I starting thinking about those old days I realised that her books were actually kinda sexist. I wouldn't say that here books were full on sexism and are bad reads but did she have a few sexist ideas? Yes.
  So here are a few references (Not accurate though) and trust me, its been a loooooong time so I might be wrong as well. Correct me if I am:)
   If you jad read any of her Famous Five or Secret Seven series you should have noticed that the girls were pretty much always left out of the adventure. And if they were in it , then it was because they were probably rebellious and inspite of their male friends or cousins telling them to stay away they had got into it! Remeber George from Famous Five? The "tomboy" . She literally would want to be IN THE SCENE but nah gurl! Annie, the quieter one ,kinda seemd like happy to be left out. The books always seemed to be portraying the male friends and cousins as problem solvers, mystery /adventure lovers while the  girls just had to be left out .
Even when those kids where over at their cousins place the girls would be helping their aunt while the guys have a good time playing games. Helping out your aunt is not a bad thing to do. No one forced the girls to do it ,agreed but the thing is ,that is how the story was built ALL THE TIME. 
It was more like , Enid Blyton had somehow perceived that it was in a female's nature the get herself involved in these tasks while it was not the case in males.I mean, this is how it is considered to be irl as well right? Males are considered to be the dominating ones and anyone who indulges themselves in any of the "girl jobs" is someone who has no self esteem. Right? I get it. Enid Blyton lived in the previous century. I honestly am a bit biased probably. I could never get myself to completely talk shit about her . She WAS and IS a legend but it just that a few of her ideas were a bit flawed .
But come on , we can't go to her and be  like "Its 2018 Yo!" , can we? :)

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