The Beginning of the Lasts

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My head started to spin as I walked through the crowd towards the stage. I felt a hand reach out and grab my shoulder. I looked back to see SungYeol with the most serious face that I had ever seen, and we had been through so much together so that was saying a lot. 

He let go of my shoulder and I continued walking up. While walking I spotted the other guy that was called up with me. I didn't know the walk to the stage was so long. 

When I finally made it up to the stage I stood next to Irene and Jung Yeon while waiting for Ki-Bum to finish the walk to the stage. Apparently he was standing way in the back of the crowd for him to take so long, which would make him really young. Either that or my concept of time has slowed down to almost a stop. 

By the time he had gotten up there I had spotted Jinyoung and Chanyeol in the crowd. I would have found my Mother, but I knew what I would be met with. A crying woman in my brother's arms. I didn't think I could handle the sight of that. After all, I am now part of the capitol's sick games, and my every move is being watched. 

Ki-Bum walked across the stage to where the girls and I were standing. The lady hosting the reaping looked a bit upset at how long we had taken and didn't ask us if we have anything to say. She just stood there smiling like a fool until she spoke the very words that started the games in District 12.

"Let the 74th Hunger Games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor."

Before I knew it I was being dragged towards the back of the stage by a Peacekeeper and shoved into a tiny room with a floral couch and worn down carpet. Besides the couch there wasn't much else in the room. I was told to stay here and that I would have 1 hour to visit with whoever wanted to see me off. 

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Mother and SungYeol walled into the room. I instantly shot up from the sight of Mother bawling her eyes out and clinging to SungYeol. It didn't take her long to let go of my brother and hug the life out of me. 

I peeked over her shoulder and looked at SungYeol. He had backed off into the corner of the room and was staring awkwardly at the patch of carpet in front of his feet. Ever since we were young, SungYeol always had the thought that I was Mother's favorite out of the two of us. 

But I know better.

She only cries over me so much because I look more like Father than SungYeol. 

So much for being the favorite child. More like being a photograph of Father that she can pull out and cry over on the day of every anniversary they had together. 

I let Mother cry on my shoulder for another minute before I sat her down on the couch, kneeled down in front of her and made her look me in the eyes. "Just because I will be gone it doesn't mean you can leave SungYeol to provide for the both of you. You have to stay strong no matter what you see on that screen. Promise me that you will not leave SungYeol."

"I'll try not to..."

"I need you to promise me Mother."

She sighed. I know how childish I sound right now. "I promise I'll stay strong and be there."

Satisfied with my response, I looked over at SungYeol still brooding in the corner. Leaving Mother on the couch to compose herself I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Take care of her while I'm gone. If I don't make it back I need you to make sure she stays okay."

When I let go he finally looked up at me. For a moment I thought he was still jealous that I was Mother's favorite. That was when I realized I was wrong. He wasn't jealous, he was upset he couldn't volunteer and save me. We both know that out of the two of us, he would be more likely to survive. 

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