Enough to Feed a District

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After passing by District 12 and traveling through a tunnel, I stepped away from the window and looked around my room. Like the rest of the train, the floor was covered with white carpet and the walls were a perfect, light gray paneling. Without the bright white florescent lights, the room would have looked eerie. 

I walked into the bathroom to continue my inspection of the room. The white tiles were shining and were continued onto the wall. A porcelain shower stood off in the corner with a glass door. Instead of one shower head this one had around ten,  and a row of buttons must have something to do with them. To test my theory, I threw off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I have never taken a bath standing up so I had to figure out how to work all of the buttons and handles. 

After being blasted with cold water a couple of times, I finally figured it out and started to push the buttons. Of course I pushed all of them at once. The different shower heads started spraying blue, purple and pink liquid at me and I got some in my eye. It was soap. It burned. 

I tried to wash the soap out of my eye, but ended up making it worse since the soap was still spraying out of the shower heads. In my blinding pain I reached out to push the only button that I didn't think I should push. The red button. Luckily it shut off all of the soap squirters and let me wash the soap out of my eyes in peace. 

Once I finished I grabbed one of the fluffy, white towels that was hanging in the bathroom and dried myself off. Not wanting to put on my dirty clothes again, I rummaged through the clothes in the dresser. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a button up denim shirt that I tucked in. 

Curious of what else I would find in the dressers, I started to search through them. Within those dressers I found more clothing than is probably in all of District 12. While there were mainly clothes, I did find an interesting device. I hit the button labeled "on" and waiting for anything to happen. The screen lit up and a triangle showed up on the screen. I pressed the triangle and a person started to sing from inside the device. I figured it was probably a recording and set the device down on top of the dresser and nodded my head along to the beat as I continued to rummage through. 

In the same drawer as the device I found a cord with two pieces at the end that looked like they went in your ears. I put them in and waited for something to happen. While waiting I noticed that there was a plug at the end of the cord and that it matched a hole in the device. I plugged it in and was blown away by the loud noise that was projected into my ears. I pushed the button on the screen labeled "volume down" in hopes that it would help. 

Once I was not being deafened, I put the device in my back pocket and walked over to the window again since I had gone through all of the drawers. There wasn't much to look at outside the window. We were going through a tunnel so I mainly just focused on the lights flashing by and the occasional graffiti. 

In the middle of my mesmerization someone tapped my shoulder. I was about to attack the person upon instinct, but when I turned around I realized it was just Effie. She tried to tell me something but with the things in my ears I couldn't hear what she was saying. 

"I can't hear you." I accidentally shouted at her. She visibly sighed and took out the ear pieces. 

"I see you found the music player and earbuds." Effie smiled, apparently happy that I had begun to figure out her half of life. "Dinner is ready so come out and eat."

I set down the music player and followed Effie through the train to the dining room. When I got there, everyone had already sat down and started eating. I sat down next to Ki-Bum and started to scoop a bit of everything onto my plate. I had never even seen half of this stuff and didn't want to get sick from eating something I shouldn't. 

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