Cutting the Ties

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After around a week of training my butt off, it was finally time for the games to start. With the games getting closer we had all been cutting off any ties that we had with each other. All with the exception of Ki-Bum. The approaching of the games just brought him closer to me and was often the cause of his nightly breakdowns.

"Key? Could you please detach yourself from me so I can get ready for the day? I don't want Effie to have to drag you away again." It's a good thing we already ate breakfast. I lightly shook the child and tried to escape from his death grip.

"I don't know if I can do this Seokmin." I sighed and stopped trying to escape.

"You don't think you can let go of me?" I raised my eyebrow and he groaned.

"You know that's not what I mean."

It was my turn to groan then. "I know. Isn't it kind of early for thinking?" I really don't want to do this again.

"I have to think Seokmin. The games are today."

We both sat up and looked at each other, waiting for someone to say something and break the silence.

"Do you know what you are going to do in the games?" I half whispered it, scared that if I said it too loud the games would start night now.

"I'm going to follow you."

That is... Best plan ever Ki-bum. Best plan ever. I mentally face palmed. I guess this is where I take charge.

"First things first. Don't even think about the Cornucopia, just run to the nearest shelter. If we get separated, just hide and I will find you. Once we have a pretty decent hiding place, we will just stay there and wait everything out. At night we can gather any food and water we may need. We won't light any fires. We won't make any noises. We just hide. Okay?"

Key nodded and I ruffled his hair. "We got this."

He nodded slowly while mentally processing everything I just said. "How will you find me?"

I thought for a minute before it came to me. "Do you know how to whistle?"

He nodded and I showed him how to cup his hands to make a certain bird sound. The bird had been destroyed the first time the Districts rebelled so we didn't have to worry about the same bird being in the games. I only knew it because my Grandfather taught it to my Father, who taught it to SungYeol and I.

"Do you feel more confident now?" Key nodded and I got off the bed and made my way towards the dresser before heading into the bathroom. "You might want to get ready before Effie comes in and drags us out of the building in our pajamas."

I smiled at the sound of his laugh before he shut the door.

"Ki-Bum! Seokmin! Get down here!"

"Coming!" I quickly threw on my shirt and buttoned my pants. Not that it mattered if I was in my pajamas or not since we would be changing again anyways.


As soon as we arrived at the tribute entrance to the arena, we were surrounded by cameras and flashing lights.

"Perfect! Seokmin and Ki-Bum, over here!" I looked at Key and shrugged before weaving through the crowd to where Taehyung wanted us.

"Your outfits are over there." He gestured vaguely on opposite sides of the room. "Seokmin to the left, and Ki-Bum to the right. Once you are done changing, go through the steel door on the opposite side of the changing area. Please don't get all sentimental because you'll be fighting each other soon." With everything said, Taehyung left the room.

I looked at Key and smiled. "You heard what he said, let's just get dressed. I'll see you on the other side." Ki-Bum just stared at the floor and didn't move. I pulled him into a hug and tried to sound as sincere as possible. "You're going to make it."

After a few more seconds, I pulled away and headed into the changing room on the left. Before pulling away the curtain and stepping in, I turned around and saw that Key had already started to get changed.

It took me a little bit, but I was finally dressed and through the steel door. As soon as I stepped through, my nerves started to act up. My hands and knees wouldn't stop shaking and I was starting to sweat even though I was cold. My stomach lurched and swirled around and I thought I was going to vomit. My knees suddenly gave out and I collapsed to the ground, panting.

I tried to take a few deep breaths, but it wasn't working.

My ears started to ring and everything around me blurred.

Once I had gotten a hold of myself, I walked closer to the wall and leaned myself against it. I'm just glad nobody in here to see that, and no cameras.

"You look amazing! Why don't you just step into that glass chamber right there and then the games can start." I did as Taehyung said, even though I was still a bit shaky.

I stepped in and looked up at the natural light above me before turning back to Taehyung.

"Good luck."

The circle beneath my feet then started to rise, and I was brought up into the arena. I tried to calm the pounding in my head while I scanned my surroundings and looked for Key.

We were in a clearing surrounded by a forest and Key was to my left. I looked over to him and we both nodded towards the forest with a mutual understanding. It's probably a good thing we went over the plan this morning.

My attention was then brought to the ceiling of the arena as flashing numbers started to count down. I threw one last glance at Key before getting ready for the games to start.

"Let the games begin." I whispered to myself.


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