The Plan

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"Seokmin! We got to get up!" I groaned as someone hopped on top of me and started jumping.

"I'll only get up if you get off of me Ki-Bum."

"Hmmm, maybe." He laughed and pushed me off the bed. Wow, he's stronger than I thought. Before I was completely off I opened my eyes and I grabbed his arm and pulled me down with him.

"Hey! No fair!" Key whined as he pouted.

I ruffled his hair. "If you're going to jump on me early in the morning and push my off my bed I'm going to bring you down with me."

I got to my feet and started to make my bed, but noticed that Key had wrapped himself up in the sheets to make it impossible.

I laughed at his cute face poking out of the cocoon of blankets. "I'll get dressed first then." I reached into the dresser and pulled out some jeans and a shirt that was half white, half black, and walked into the bathroom. After getting dressed and using the bathroom, I walked out and noticed that Key had made the bed.

"You take SO LONG. Come on we have to go!" He pulled me out of my room and down the hall. The rest of the group was already in the living room and standing up near the door.

"Perfect, that's everyone." Effie smiled and opened up the side doors on the train. I guess we made it to the capitol.

This time we weren't bombarded with cameras and we were able to walk in peace to the building that Effie lead us into. "This is where you will eat, sleep, train and everything else until the games." She lead us all into an elevator that was located in the massive lobby. Everything was pristine and I could almost see my reflection in the tile floor.

Effie kept laying everything out for us as we entered the elevator. "Tonight is the tribute parade. You will meet your stylists tonight, but because of the lack of stylists this year the girls and the guys will only have one for the both of them. While you are waiting you should watch the recap of the reaping from the other districts so you know who you are up against."

The elevator dinged and she lead us out into a massive room. Just the living room alone was the size of my whole house. A tan couch sat in the middle of the oak wood floor and took up most of the width of the room. Facing the couch and mounted on the wall had to be the largest flat screen television to ever exist. Besides the couch there wasn't much else in the living besides for the window that took up all of the wall to the left. I never realized how high up we had gone.

Connected to the living room was the dining room. A large oak table that could sit fifteen sat in the middle with six adorning chairs. Two on the ends and two on the other sides of the table. I couldn't see much else beyond the dining room because Irene bumped her shoulder into me to bring my attention back to Effie.

"This is floor twelve incase you get lost and floor two is the training room. Down the hall is your rooms. To the left is Ki-Bum and Seokmin's room and to the right is Irene and Jung Yeon's. Your mentor will arrive around noon and prep for the tribute parade will start at three since the parade is at eight. That gives you four hours to explore the flat, but do not leave the flat."

She paused and ran her hand through her wig, but just ended up moving it off-center. "Any questions?" We shook our heads and she motioned for us to go explore.

The four of us looked at each other as a smile spread across our faces. We instantly sprinted across the living room and into the hallway that lead to our rooms. I stopped in front of the door and Key ran into me causing him to fall on top of me.

I pushed him off and opened the door as my mouth dropped. The place was HUGE. The whole back wall, minus about two feet of wall on the sides, was a giant window. Two beds that my whole family could fit into were pushed against opposite walls. The dark wood floor shone and had probably been freshly polished. In the middle of the empty space on the floor was a circular rug that had the symbol for District 12. 

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