The End Of Me

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"Should we wait here for the other tribute? I mean we have everything we need here, and there is no point in hiding now." Key nodded at my suggestion and sat down on a crate inside of the cornucopia. I sat down next the him and tried to rub the blood off of my hands.

"Seokmin! You're bleeding!" I looked up at Ki-Bum in surprise and tried to figure out where. It's not like I could feel anything. Key noticed my confusion and jumped off his crate to help me. "Right here. Remember?" My eyes widened a bit more as I remembered the dagger flying at me. I nodded and Key sighed as he tried to look around for anything to stop the bleeding.

"Um, Ki-Bum. I don't think we need to worry about that right now." I slowly jumped off of my crate and made my way towards the wall of swords. Ki-Bum eventually knew what I was talking about and made his way back to where he set his sword down. With my previous sword in the grass, I opted for one of the maces and let it drag across the ground a bit.

"Seungri. District 4. Champion. That's what they're going to call out." Blood dripped from the crown of his dark brown, combed hair. He limped as he walk towards us with a bunch of knives slid into pockets and waist bands. Unlike us, he looked like he had fought his way through the whole thing. I backed up a bit, but hit against a crate.

"Do you know how many people I've had to kill? Woojin, Yuju..." He kept listing a bunch of tributes, but he kept count on his fingers so I knew he didn't kill all of the tributes. He just killed a good majority of them. Once he listed our names, I sprung out and attacked him with my mace.

Seungri threw a dagger, but it missed me so I didn't bother with following it's path. I hit him over the head with the mace and he staggered back. Does he have a head of steel or something?

I hit him again and he dropped to the ground. I turned around to find Key as the bang went off for Seungri. "Ki-Bum? It's just us."

I heard a groan coming from the cornucopia and instantly ran back to where I last saw Key. The knife that Seungri had thrown behind me had hit Ki-Bum directly in the center of the chest. Most of the handle was buried into his chest, and I knew I couldn't save him. At least not on my own.

"Ki-Bum! Just hang in there! If I die, they will take you back to the capitol and save you." I quickly tried to find something, anything. But my vision was blurred and my hands were shaking to much for me to make sense of anything.

I felt something grab my hand and I looked down to see Ki-Bum's little hand clinging to mine. "Don't. I won't make it by the time they get here. It's not worth both of us to die. What would the capitol think?" Who cares what the capitol thinks?

"Just tell me a story. One your Father used to tell you." I nodded and choked back my tears.

"Deep in a meadow lay a rabbit playing underneath a willow. All he ever needed was in the meadow. Daisies kept him from harm and it was only ever warm. His dreams were sweet and he knew he was loved. Nothing could ever make the rabbit happier, for what else would he need?" I had cut out a few parts of the story so that Key could hear the end.

I finished just in time to see his perfect little smile and his hand dropped from mine. "See you in the meadow."


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