Chapter Sixteen

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When the moonlight was replaced by the early morning sunshine, Sasuke struggled to continue sleeping. However, everyone else seemed to be just fine. He wasn't sure if it was the sunshine or Suigetsu's snoring that woke him, both were bothersome. He stretched gently, not having the strength to do anymore than that, and glanced over to his right. Dark, violet hair was literally everywhere despite the fact that it had been shortened. Had it been any longer it probably could've choked him. 

He inhaled vanilla and lavender, surprisingly the two smelled good together. Vanilla was enough to wake him up, while lavender nearly lulled him back to sleep. Someone must have woke during the night and cleaned up. Sasuke had to have been tired because he was not a heavy sleeper in the least bit. Normally, the smallest of movements were enough to wake him. Yet Hinata had somehow managed to take a full blown bath in the farm sink, he assumed.  

He half smiled at the thought of her forcing her head over into the sink because she couldn't stand the thought of being dirty.  But, he couldn't deny that she did smell really good so her struggle surely paid off. Not only that, but she looked better as well. Her fever must have broken while they were asleep. 

He reached over and brushed some of her still damp hair off his side of the pillow. Women just had to have everything, even down to the last centimeter of pillow. 

Sasuke sighed, seriously contemplating staying on the bunk until they docked. He wasn't sure if it was purely lack of motivation or if he was feeling a little ...depressed. 

He watched her pale legs go from white to neon white as the rays of light became stronger through the small window. She had the smoothest skin he'd ever laid eyes on, not to mention the most beautiful and without flaw or imperfection in his opinion. Not that perfect was what he went around looking for, but it was nice to admire it when presented.  His doe-like eyes traveled up her body and stopped at her calm, sleeping face.  

Sasuke's throat tightened and his chest felt heavy. He knew they would come after her again. Hiashi would just send ninja after ninja until he decided to give up. When would that be though? On his death bed? Why was it so hard to let her go? 

He paused and bit his lip. He couldn't let her go either. He had every opportunity to turn her away or run her off, even after he released her from their supposed 'engagement', but he didn't. Instead, he preferred her to stay and he wasn't sure why. Maybe her smart comments were growing on him, but she didn't make those so much anymore. Actually, she really didn't fight with him as much as she used to. Had they really been traveling together that long?

This should be easy, right? He should be able to send her away whenever she posed a threat or hindered the group, but that was the furthest thing from reality. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, she had something he wanted. Every time he looked at her he could see it more and more. He could see his family, and what they used to be. 

Hinata's eyes fluttered open gently. The Hyuga's infamous eyes were bright and gorgeous, even from a far off distance, but nothing compared to being up close and personal with them. They were like deep pools of small lavender and white prisms. He could stare at them forever and still never memorize the intricate interwoven patterns of white and lavender streams.  "Good morning." She smiled with her hair every bit of a damp mess. Both of his dark brow rose as he fought back the urge to made a snide comment. "Morning." 


When they finally docked that night Hinata had never ran faster to a shower in her entire life.  She could still feel grime on her skin from the cold tile floor she was forced to lay on for hours. She was unsure why that prompted her to want to scrub the first few layers of her skin off but nothing could stop her now.  

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