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  Elias walked around the club, his jacket zipped up and his hood on. He wandered around, pushing past people who in return gave him dirty looks. But, he dissregarded them, and continues walking. As he walked by, a man wearing a blue coat, slicked back white hair, and holding a katana looked at him. The man sensed a strange energy around him. "This power...where is it coming from? I must know" He preceded to walk around the club, searching for it. Elias eventually walked past him. The man turned, looking doubtful. "There's no way a...child can have this much power. But, I have to be sure" He began trailing him, following him out of the club.

  After walking for a short while, he eventually sighed. "Yes, it's him all right." he stopped, calling out to him. "You there, kid" he called. Elias turned around facing him. "Who are you?" He questioned. "I'll be the one asking the questions" the man said, sounding a bit annoyed. "I sense a strange power in you. Why is that?"
He shrugged, turning away. The man grumbled, warping in front of him. "Lets try this again." he said, irritation in his voice. Elias took a step back, eyes widdened. "Why do you have so much power?" he questioned him again, taking a step closer.

Elias growled. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now leave me alone." he turned and walked away. The man growled. A floating blue sword appeared in front of him, shooting in front of Elias. His eyes widdened, and he turned slowly. "You will tell me, one way or another" the man threatened. Elias rolled his eyes. "Or what? Are you going to hurt me? I'm sooooo scared." he mocked.the man growled, grading his sword handle, and drawing his blade. Elias took a step back, a little concern on his face. He kicked him into a wall, cracking it. Just as he was getting up, the man stabbed his leg with his blade. "Ahhhghh!!" he yelled in pain. "Fine. You won't tell me, I'll do it mys-" a gunshot can be heard. Vergil leaned back, a bullet flying past him.

A man who looked like the one in front of Elias was holding two guns, and was dressed in red with a large sword on his back. The man in blue sighed. "Why must you always get in my way, brother?" The man in red grinned. "You know what mom said, it's not okay to bully other kids." he laughed a bit, putting his guns away and taking his sword out. "Come on Vergil, don't pick on kids" he grinned. He stood up, looking at him. "I'm going to finish this right here and now." They both ran at eachother, swords clashing. "Hey, kid!" Dante called out. "I could use some help!" He looked at him. "What do you want me to do?!" He was nervious, but slightly amazed. "I also sense a power in you! Use it to help me fight him!"

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