Devils? Here?

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"Still immature as ever, I see" vergil snapped, with an echoy demonic voice as well. "What can I say? It's part of my charm" Dante chuckled, as him and Vergil fough. He barked, knocking Vergil back a bit. "This is crazy..." he whispered to himself. Suddenly, small blue swords began to surround Vergil from all around.

"What the hell are those?!" Elias asked shockingly. "What? You never seen a ghostly blue sword before? Man, kids these days are too soft" Dante joked, dodging the swords as they flew at him. "How can you joke at a time like this??" Elias yelled as he jumped, ducked, and dodged the blades. Vergil charged at Dante at lightning speed, clashing with him. "Tell me Vergil, how was it being stuck in hell all those years? Wait, don't tell me. I bet it was one hell of a time!" He laughed at his own horrible joke. Vergil simply rolled his eyes, and pushed him away. "Do you ever shut up?" He asked, stabbing at him. "Nope!" Dante replied simply, jumping over him. Elias grabbed Vergil from behind, holding him. "Get off of me you little brat!" Vergil yelled, trying to get him off.

"Hey kid, you might wanna move! Bullets pierce things!" he grinned, shooting at Vergil. Elias moved the moment he shot so he wouldn't get hit. "How can there be devil's here?..." Elias wondered to himself. Vergil soon healed from the bullets. He turned, facing Elias and kicked him into a wall. "That's enough!" he stabbed Elias's shoulder to the wall, causing him to yell out in pain. "If you won't give to power to me, I will take it from you..."

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