Chaotic Battle

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The two brothers began fighting, destroying things in their path. Elias quickly followed close behind, doing any and eveything he can to help the man in red. "How can he be in such a good mood during this?" he wondered, watching Dante. Vergil stabbed him, kicking him down soon after. Dante healed shortly after, and shot Vergil in the chest. As the two fought, Elias looked at the destruction the two had caused. It was chaos. "You, in the red! Watch out!" Dante jumped out of the way just as Elias barked, sending Vergil flying into a truck.

"Grrr, you're getting annoying..." Vergil growled. Dante tackled Vergil, both of them dropping their weapons on the ground. Elias watched as they beat each other. Vergil eventually overpowered Dante and shoved him off. He took up his sword, going to slash at Elias. Kicked him, Dante jumping up and holding him in place. Elias could only watch as the brothers cause the ground beneath them to crater a bit as they both struggled to overpower the other.

(sorry for the short chapter, promise for longer ones in the future)

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