Demon Vs Demon

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   After struggling for a bit, vergil finally was able to push Dante back. He grabbed dante's arm, throwing him to the ground. He began to relentlessly punch him the face over and over again. There was a loud bark, and vergil was thrown into a wall. Elias stood, his body that of a wolf. "Looks like your bark is worse than your bite" Dante laughed. Elias rolled his eyes, sighing. "Are you more worried about making stupid jokes, or beating this power crazed freak??" he asked. A blue sword suddenly passed between the two. Vergil had summoned little blue swords that were fiering at the them. Elias suddenly tackled vergil, pinning him to the wall. Dante smirked, stabbing the ground with his sword. As he did, a red portal slowly opened up. "In there! Throw him in!" he called.

   Elias took a deep breath, switching places with Vergil. As he did, he barked at him, throwing him into the portal. "Curse you Dante!" he yelled, the portal suddenly closing. Dante changed back to normal, smirking. "Phew! That wasn't so bad, now was it fido?" he asked. Elias changed back as well, facepalming. "Shut up.." he mumbled, walking past. "I don't know about you, but I sure worked up an appetite" Dante laughed. He put his hands in his coat pocket, walking with him. "Wanna come with me to get something to eat?" he asked. It was still very late out, and almost the entire town was asleep. "Are there any places still open?" Elias asked. "Oooh yeah, I know one" Dante grinned. After maybe 10 minutes of walking, they arrived at a small pizza building. Dante opened the door, walking to a booth. Elias sat across from him, looking out the window. "So...are they gonna take our ord-" he began. A large pizza was suddenly set in front of them. "The usual, I presume Dante?" the waiter asked. Dante gave a smirk, beginning to eat.

   Elias sighed and looked out the window for maybe a few minutes. When he turned back, Dante had eaten all but one piece. Elias quickly snatched it, giving a glare before eating. When they were done, they walked out. "You can crash at my place for the night" Dante offered. Elias thought for a bit, before waving him off. "Can't. Have to get home before my aunt freaks out." he spoke. "Kid, it's like 1 in the morning. You might as well stay the night" Dante said simply, walking past. Elais groaned and followed him. After a bit of walking, they arrived to an old building, the neon lights reading Devil May Cry. "Devil May Cry? What kind of a name for a building is that?" Elias asked. "One I chose." Dante replied, walking inside.

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