How Much Debt??

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   After the pizza man brought their food, the two sat inside eating. Elias was lucky enough to grab about three or four pieces before Dante devoured the rest. "Wait, you're how much in debt?" Elias asked, eyes wide. "About six to seven hundred thousand." he simply replied, giving a burp right after. "That' do you even own ANYTHING??" he asked. "Dunno, not gonna complain about it neither." he smirked. Dante propped his feet on his desk, leaning back in his chair. A woman then busted into his shop. She was dressed in short white clothing, with short black hair. "Dante Sparda!" she growled. He gave a yelp, nearly falling back in his chair. "Man, thought you were a demon for a second, thank God it was you!" he smirked. "Trust me, you're gonna wish it was a demon by the time I'm done with you." she narrowed her eyes. She then noticed elias, who had a confused look. "Who's the kid?" she asked, tilting her head. "Who's the tramp?" Elias then asked, rolling his eyes. Her eyes widened, as she gave a growl. "Excuse me??" she spoke angrily. "Woah woah, let's not fight in here." Dante laughed nervously.

   Lady shook her head, slamming a bill on his desk. "Four hundred thousand for the damages to the city last night!" she exclaimed. "What??" He sat forward. "Why couldn't they bill my power crazed brother??" He groaned, leaning back. Lady crossed her arms, poking her hip out. "Until you pay off your debt, I told the pizzeria not to bring you anymore pizza." she spoke, turning. "You did what?!" he stood, eyes wide. Elias rubbed the bridge of his nose, groaning. "Just when I thought the weirdest thing I would come across we're hero's dressed as animals..." he mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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