Like a Family

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Skyler's POV

God. It has been a week and Niall's friends have been at the house nonstop. They are always playing video games or outside playing soccer. I mean come on, I want some alone time with Niall cause, I have to admit, he is pretty attractive and he is so sweet.

Sadly, he only is hanging with his friends. One of his friends, Harry, is always hitting on me. I can defiantly tell he is the player of the group, but I think he can actually be a nice person if he doesn't hit on you all the time.

Louis, on the other hand is like a girls gay best friend that you always see in the movies, just not gay.

Zayn is quite mysterious. I have a feeling he is just closed off, but around the boys his is a total free spirit.

Liam is so sweet. He doesn't seem like a womanizer and isn't a bad boy type, but looks like one, making him so hot.

And Niall. His bright blue eyes. His smile. His hair. His laugh that varies all the time from being like a school girl to a little chuckle. He is just, so perfect.

Right now I am just texting Claire. This is the longest I haven't seen her. Being an only child, like I am, you see your closes friends as your family, and to me she was my sister.


Why. Why did this have to happen to me! Why did MY ice cream have to fall I was five and I thought it would never happen to me because I am always so careful.

"Um... excuse me?" some one said from behind me.

"Yes," I replied.

"I saw your ice cream fell and... um... I was wondering if you wanted to share mine with me? I am Claire by the way," she said.

"Sure thank you! I am Skyler, " we were then sitting there, running around, laughing all afternoon.

I know we will be friends forever.

*•* end of flashback*•*

I was then crying my eyes out. Moving across he country is harder than I thought especially when you leave the only family you have left.

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