Chapter 12

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Peter found himself back in his subconscious once again. Only this time he wasn't surrounded by darkness, but rather standing on a cliff overlooking all of Neverland. He then saw his younger self sitting nearby, knees drawn to his chest. Peter awkwardly sat down beside his younger self, unsure of what to say. "I remember you choosing to be with Diana. But as time went on, as you moved on with your life, I felt myself getting pushed further back in your head. Pretty soon there was nowhere for me to go, I felt trapped, alone and unwanted. I could still understand what was going on around, you, but I couldn't do anything." Peter listened intently to his younger self. "Why did you forget about me? Why did you give up the adventures here?" Little Peter sobbed, his body shaking. Peter scooped his younger self up and cradled him to his chest. "I found a better adventure." Peter's memories flowed around the two. "I married the most wonderful girl in the world. We had two beautiful children, and the best part of this adventure is a that it's not over yet." Little Peter cuddled into his older self's chest. Peter hugged his little self as Little Peter passed into his chest. It felt like a part of him had been rediscovered. Peter woke back up and gazed at the Jolly Roger. It was time to end this. Once and for all.

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