Chapter 4

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While he was driving you take his hand and look at him
"Taehyung-ah are you still mad at me"
He didn't say anything
"Teahyung-ah why are you mad he is my boss and nothing else so please talk to me"
"Were you having fun chatting with your boss" he said in a sarcastic tone
"Taehyung-ah I only love you and I will never love anyone but you so stop over reacting about me talking to my boss okay please"
"How can I if you seemed to be having a lot of fun talking to him you were even laughing"
"Taehyung-ah please"
He didn't say anything after that he only dropped you at your house and left he always get's jealous about you talking to guys but he doesn't get mad or jealous when you are talking to his friends and that's because he trust his friends you sigh and go inside to see what you had in your fridge while looking you saw that you had some soju you were going to call one of tae's friend over but the bell ringed
"Comming" you were thinking who would it be you came closer to the door and opened it you were surprised to see Taehyung's mother there you bowed and said politely
"Hello what brings you here at my house" she only looked at me before coming in and sitting on the couch
"I had an issue to discuss with you"
You closed the door and sat on the other side
"What is it?"
She took her purse that was filled with money out
"Take this and change your life but leave my son alone and don't show your face to him anymore"
You are shock of what she is willing to do for you to get away from taehyung
"W-what are you doing?why?"
"I don't want you as my daughter in law you have nothing to offer but the girl that I choosed has something to offer and it's big that's why so please take the money but disappear from my son's life"
You have lost your words but you still manage to tell her something
"I don't want to be rude to you but I can't accept this money because it will be taehyung who decides whether or not to keep me in his life or not and I really love your son to give him up just like that for money I am not that kind of girl so please take your money and leave my house"
Angrily she takes the money and puts it back into her purse before standing up and walking towards the door but before she leaves she turns around
"You will regret not taking this money I will make sure of it" then she slammed the door close you sigh and get your phone to call someone

You-Hi can you come over I really need someone to talk with
???-where is tae?
You-He got mad again
???-Hannah I am really bu-
You-I have your favorite snacks and Soju
???-you know on the second thought work can wait
You chuckle
???- don't worry I will be there in some minutes bye
You-Bye see you in a minute

You hang up and start looking for the snacks luckily you still had his favorite snack.

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