Chapter 6

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Some minutes after sending the message my phone rings, I quickly picked it up without looking who was calling.

???-Well hello Miss. Kim Hannah
You-who is this?
???-Honey no need to know my name I just wanted to inform you that you should get away from Taehyung leave him so that he can be in my arms.
You-what the hell are you talking about I may not know who you are but let me tell you something I will never leave him behind.
???-honey no need to get angry but let me give you a piece of advice it's better to listen then regret later and hurt the person you love the most.
You- I don't need your piece of advice I can handle my own matter without anyone's help.
???-okay don't take it then but one last thing I have to say is don't do foolish promises you can't or won't keep.
You- who do you think you are to be tell-.

I couldn't finish my sentence because the women who called me hung up on me, I was angry how dare she call me telling me to get away from Taehyung so that he could be in her arms she thinks I am willing to do that well she thought wrong because I am never letting go of him.


Me and Taehyung fix things and he is no longer mad so that's nice because I know how he gets when I am near a guy he hasn't met officially I was thinking about what I should get for him as a anniversary gift when suddenly my phone started to ring again but this time I checked before answering and I was surprised because it was my mother calling.

You- hello mom what's the matter?
Mom- sweetie your father is going crazy he is saying something about bankruptcy and I don't know how to control him he has been walking in circles..
You- hand the phone to my father so I can talk to him
Mom- okay sweetie give me a minute then.
*After some minutes*
Dad- Y/N....the company is going bankrupt and I don't know what happened or what was the problem...
You- How did this happen?
Dad- I don't know I just received a phone call from your uncle saying that people where coming in saying that everyone had to take their stuff out because it no longer belonged to our family.
You- Don't worry dad I will try to find a solution for this okay don't worry try to calm down because it's bad for your health just let me handle this matter.

I hung up the phone with my father and try to think of a plan to fix this I was walking in circles but then I stopped and I hit my head I was stupid for not realizing sooner that this was the work of Taehyung's parents I knew she wasn't going to leave that matter alone especially since I kicked her out of my house without accepting the money I quickly try to find my purse so that I can take a taxi and go to Taehyung's parents company but before I headed out I tell my boss that I have an emergency and he let's me leave.

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