Chapter 7

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I arrived at the Kim Corporate and went inside I was amazed by the inside since it was my first time setting a foot in the company I head to the front desk and ask to see Mr.Kim at first they asked if I had an appointment but I told them no but if they say that Y/N was here he would see me so they did and then told me to go to the 35th floor I did and was preparing myself for whatever was coming my way. The elevator door open and I go down the hallway to a big door as I get their I was going to knock until someone behind me speaks.

???- What brings you here?
*I quickly turn to face the person*
Y/N- I think that you are fully aware of the reason that brought me here correct me if I am wrong?
Mr.Kim- Of course I know it's regarding your father's company right.
Y/N- Yes indeed.
Mr.Kim- Well sweetie I think that you and me have to make a contract in order to fix this problem so follow me.

He starts walking towards his office and I follow him once I enter he guides me to his desk and tells me to sit.

Mr.Kim- If you would like for me to help your father and let him keep his company then I have three conditions for you.
Y/N- Are you serious?
Mr.Kim- Of course when it comes to buisness I am serious.
Y/N- Okay let me hear your three conditions.
Mr.Kim- The first one and most important one is..... Leave Taehyung
Mr.Kim- The second one is......break his heart so that he will never want to see you again in his life.
Mr.Kim- The last condition is.....Let me at least give you money so that you can start a new life and move to America.
Y/N- So you did all that to my father's company because you want me away from your son's life.
Me.Kim- Look ever since Taehyung was a little boy his future was already planned but since you got in the picture your messing the whole plan so what me and his mother have to do is take you out of it.
*I couldn't believe what he was saying*
Y/N- Can I ask for something.
Mr.Kim- What?
Y/N- Can I have one day with him.. please.
Mr.Kim-No just call him or send him a text then disappear.
*I get on my knees and beg*
Y/N- Just one day with him is all I ask I don't need your money just one day then I will leave and never show my face again I promise...just one day...I beg.
He stands up and starts walking away leaving me there looking like a fool but stops
Mr.Kim- Just one day and after that make sure he hates you so that he will never want to see your face again or find you but also keep in mind your words and your little contract.

he then walks away and the tears I have been holding back came out I cried my heart out before standing and leaving.

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