Chapter 5

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I get everything ready and minutes later I hear a knock on my door I go open the door and see jungkook one of Taehyung's friends I move aside so that he can come in and then we head towards the living room we grab some Soju and I started the converation.

You-How have you been these days?
Jungkook-I have been doing well work is hard but I get through about you?
You-I have been good and work is good not that hard.
Jungkook-Why did taehyung get mad?
You-He went to pick me up like always but he was running a little late and my boss didn't want to leave me alone in the night so he stayed with me while waiting for Taehyung and when he arrived he saw me talking to my boss and laughing so from his point of view I has having fun with another guy who is not him or his friends so he got mad and left after dropping me not saying a single word.
Jungkook-ohh well what can you expect he always gets jealous I remember that one time we went to the club and you left with that one guy but it was because you was going to throw up but he took-.
*he didn't finish what he was going to say*
You-Taehyung did what?who did he take?hey answer me.
Jungkook-sorry it's not my responsibility to tell you it's Taehyung's so I can't tell you.
You-From the way you were telling the story it's something bad and I think I would prefer not to hear it from either you or taehyung.

You and jungkook continued talking and drinking soju for a while but then it was getting really late so you said goodbye to jungkook and when he left you picked put everything before heading to bed.
It was morning already so you got up from bed and got ready for work you walk downstairs and put your shoes on but before leaving you made some toast and went to work.
While working you couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung he hasn't called you or text you so you decided to text him so you took your phone out and send him a text saying
"hey jagi-ah are you still mad at me if you are please don't be because that makes me sad"
You put your phone back in your pocket and continue working.

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