Fake: Chapter 2

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It was a stormy night in Manhattan, and she Blaine was practically running home to avoid getting soaked. He panted softly as he finally arrived at his apartment building, about to walk in when something caught his eye. He looked over at a soaking wet Kurt, who was covering himself with cardboard boxes on the sidewalk. "Are you crazy? Why don't you go to a shelter?" Blaine asked, slowly walking over to him.
"They all know me as the neighborhood prostitute. They won't take me." Kurt breathed shakily. "C-Could you at least let me into the lobby? I'm sure they'll kick me out in five minutes anyways. I just need to dry off."
Blaine bit his lip, taking a deep breath. "Come on... You can come up to my apartment. I have a sofa bed you can sleep on." He said, gently helping Kurt off the ground.
"Your apartment?" Kurt questioned, standing up slowly. "I've begged you to go to your apartment before and you always told me no."
"Yeah, well, that was because all you wanted to do was fuck me. Now you're freezing to death out here- I'm not just going to leave you."
Kurt nodded, following Blaine into the apartment building and up the stairs. He took a deep breath as they walked in, his mouth immediately dropping open. "Holy shit." He laughed breathlessly. "This is really your place?"
The apartment was not only huge, but it was very tastefully decorated. There was a huge hanging chandelier in the center of the living room, a foosball and pool table, and very expensive furniture everywhere you looked. "Yeah, sorry it's kind of messy right now."
Kurt rolled his eyes, pulling his wet shirt off to reveal his pale chest. "Messy? Blaine, this apartment is insane. Who knew that working for your daddy had so many benefits." He teased.
"I don't work for my daddy- I work as a lawyer at his firm. There's a difference." He said, trying his best to stop his eyes from staring at Kurt's bare chest. "Why don't you get in the shower? I'll grab you a pair of pajamas to wear. And there's some things I wanted to talk to you about once you're out."
"Mm... A hot shower sounds great. Sure you don't want to join me?" He smirked, biting his lip over a grin.
"Yes. I'm sure. Bathroom is the second door on the left." Blaine said, walking to his bedroom once Kurt was in the shower. He changed into sweatpants and a Dalton t-shirt, grabbing another pair of sweats for Kurt. He hummed softly as he grabbed a shirt for him as well, walking up to the bathroom door. "I'll set the clothes outside the door. They might be a little small, but, it's all I have." He called softly, setting the clothes down before going into the living room and sitting on the couch. He looked up as Kurt walked out from the bathroom, biting his lip over a smile. "They're definitely a little small." He laughed softly.
Kurt rolled his eyes, sitting down on the couch as well. "They'll work." He shrugged, yawning softly. "You said you wanted to talk to me about stuff- what is it?"
Blaine took a deep breath, looking up into Kurt's eyes. "Yeah... So, there's this trip that my whole family is going on- it's like a little family reunion. We're going to Hawaii for about a week." He said, biting his lip. "And I told my family that I have a boyfriend, which I don't. So I've been desperately trying to get a guy to go with me, but nothing is working. And we leave tomorrow." He laughed softly. "So, I was wondering if you would go with me? I would pay whatever you charge per night- and I'll pay for all the food and drinks and whatever you want once we're there as well. We'll have to share a hotel room, and pretend to be a happy couple in front of my family. Is that something you'd be interested in?"
Kurt smiled widely and laughed, nodding quickly. "Get paid to go to Hawaii for a week and share a hotel room with you?" He smirked slightly. "Hell yes."
Blaine rolled his eyes. "Look- there would be rules, okay? Like no smoking your cigarettes in front of my family, no inappropriate jokes, and no mentioning what your job is." He said. "You would have to be a sophisticated, polite boyfriend in front of them."
Kurt nodded, smiling softly and setting a hand on top of Blaine's. "I will be, I promise. They'll love me."

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