Fake: Chapter 21

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The rest of their afternoon was spent cuddling and watching movies in bed, online shopping to get Kurt his own things, and, of course, kissing. They couldn't seem to keep their lips away from each other's for more than a minute at a time.
"I love you." Kurt mumbled against Blaine's lips as they sat in bed, pushing the laptop aside and pulling him into his lap.
Blaine fluttered his eyes closed, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck and kissing him back deeply. "I love you." He breathed in return, smiling as Kurt kissed at his neck. He gently pulled back, cupping Kurt's cheek. "I wanna show you something."
Kurt whined softly as Blaine pulled away, looking up into his eyes. "What is it?" He asked, watching as Blaine stood up.
Blaine walked over to his closet, taking a deep breath. "Last night, when you were laying on the couch and I came in here, I cleared out this space for you." He smiled, opening his closet doors and showing Kurt the empty section. "This is space for all of the clothes that we get you- and I put some of my hoodies here too. So that once you get some of your own and they smell like you, I have the right to steal them." He grinned, walking back over to the bed and sitting down in Kurt's lap.
Kurt laughed breathlessly as he saw the closet space, biting his lip over a huge grin. "I don't know what to say." He said softly, wrapping his arms around Blaine and hugging him tightly. "Thank you. I love you." He whispered, breathing in Blaine's scent.
Blaine shook his head. "You don't have to thank me. This is your apartment now, too." He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Kurt's cheek. "I want you to feel like this is your home- not just my home that you're staying in." He smiled, pulling away to look into Kurt's eyes. "And I thought we could go shopping tomorrow, and get some new decorations that we both pick out together. I want to make this place ours." He grinned, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's lips.
Kurt was speechless- he had never felt this cared for and loved in his entire life. It was like every shitty thing that had happened to him was finally worth it, because he now had Blaine. Wonderful, amazing, caring Blaine who would never hurt him like he had been hurt in the past. He had been scared to make this huge change in his life, but now it all made sense. There was no fear anymore. Just happiness, because he knew that he had finally found the person he had been missing this entire time.
"I love you so much, Blaine." Kurt whispered, sniffling softly as he buried his head in Blaine's neck. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
Blaine closed his eyes as he hugged Kurt, letting out a happy sigh. "Ditto."

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