Fake: Chapter 9

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Blaine smiled. "Okay, we'll start off easy. Where are you from?" He asked.
Kurt listened as Blaine spoke, nodding slowly. "Ohio originally, but my dad and I moved to New Jersey after my mom died. His side of the family lives there, and he wanted to be close to them." He said, his hand running through Blaine's messy curls.
Blaine nodded. "I'm sorry your mom died." He whispered, pressing himself closer. "So you moved to New Jersey, but how did you end up in Manhattan? And how did you end up doing what you do?"
Kurt took a deep breath. "Long stories." He said, shaking his head. "To sum it up, my dad kicked me out when he found out I was gay. His entire family is homophobic, and I think they all convinced him that being a fag is the worst thing you can be. So, I decided to take the bus to Manhattan and use the little money I had to rent a motel room. At one of the bus stops, this guy offered me a hundred bucks to suck him off." He shrugged. "So I took it, and that was my first client. Once I figured out I could make money off of my body, I just stuck to it."
Blaine nodded as Kurt spoke. It broke his heart that Kurt's father wasn't accepting- he had struggled with his own father being hesitant as well. "Why haven't you ever tried to get a real job- a real career. I mean, you can't sell your body forever, can you?"
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Enough about my depressing life, okay? I wanna know about you." He grinned. "How many guys, including me, have you slept with?" He asked with a smirk.
Blaine shook his head, his cheeks going red as Kurt spoke. "Including you?" He asked, looking up into Kurt's eyes. "Including you would be one. Um- I dated a guy, Sebastian, for a few months last year and we gave each other blowjobs, but that's about it." He said softly.
Kurt frowned. "Wait- so I was your first time?" He asked, shaking his head. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have got roses or some other cheesy shit. I mean, you gave me your flower, Blaine." He teased, running his hand over Blaine's side.
Blaine laughed, rolling his eyes. "I didn't want it to be a big deal, because it's not. I'm twenty five and I haven't had sex- that's more embarrassing than anything else." He said. "I mean, now I've had sex, so, it's not quite so sad." He smiled, leaning up to press a soft kiss to Kurt's lips.
Kurt nodded, kissing him back gently. "I don't think it's sad, I think you just knew that nobody could be as good as me, and you had to have your first time with someone amazing." He teased with a grin. "Besides, this was kinda my first time, too. I mean, obviously I've slept with people, but, never anyone that I genuinely wanted to sleep with. Never anyone that wasn't paying me to."
Blaine nodded slowly. "Really?" He asked. "I mean, you've never had a client that you would have slept with if it wasn't for the money?"
Kurt shook his head. "No, most of my clients are old guys who are married to a woman and will never come out of the closet. I don't think I've ever slept with someone under forty-five."
Blaine sighed, draping his leg over Kurt's and nuzzling his face against Kurt's bare chest. "I guess you gave me your flower too, Hummel."

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