Fake: Chapter 5

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Kurt and Blaine made their way back to the hotel, Kurt holding onto Blaine's arm to help him from stumbling over as they walked. "You don't drink often, do you?" He teased, helping Blaine into the elevator.
Blaine yawned, holding onto Kurt tightly. "I'm a lawyer, I can't go out and get drunk every night like you do." He said, stepping out of the elevator and walking towards their room.
Kurt frowned. "I don't get drunk every night- I have to be sober to make sure I get the money people owe me, you know. Prostitution isn't as trashy as you think it is." He said, helping Blaine out of his jacket and sitting down on the bed. "I always wear condoms, I never kiss anyone on the lips, and I never get drunk when I'm with a client. I know you think I'm disgusting for selling my body on the streets, but I just do what I have to in order to get by."
Blaine looked over at Kurt as he spoke, shaking his head. "I don't think you're disgusting for what you do." He said softly. "I just think you're better than that."
Kurt shrugged, pulling his shirt off and changing into some sweatpants before laying down on the bed. "Just go to sleep, you're drunk. You don't know what you're talking about." He breathed, pulling the covers over his body.
Blaine nodded slowly, pulling his own shirt off and kicking off his shoes before laying down as well, facing the wall. "Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean that I can't see how much potential you have." He said softly, slurring his words slightly as he closed his eyes and began to drift to sleep.
Kurt turned over, facing the back of Blaine's body. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself, simply whispering "thanks" before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep as well.

Fake: a Klaine Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now