Fake: Chapter 6

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The next morning, Kurt woke up slowly as the sun began to shine through the balcony. He looked over at Blaine, who had moved a lot closer to him during the night, and gently ran a hand over his side. "Good morning, fake boyfriend." He whispered, letting his hand run through Blaine's messy curls. "How hungover are you?" He teased.
Blaine groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Very." He breathed, looking over at Kurt. He suddenly realized how close they had gotten throughout the night, and scooted over quickly. "Um- do you want to go down and get us some breakfast? I think I need a shower." He said, putting a hand against his throbbing forehead.
Kurt nodded. "Be right back, babe." He winked, walking downstairs.
Blaine stood up once Kurt was gone, walking into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror- all he had on was a pair of jeans, and he shook his head at himself. He had spent over a year rejecting Kurt on the street corner, and he couldn't let himself be tempted now. Kurt wasn't someone he could get involved with- everything would end up being so complicated. These thoughts were on his mind as he showered, before wrapping himself in a towel and walking out as he heard Kurt return with their food.
"I got bagels, muffins, toast, eggs, and everything else they had." He laughed, eating his bagel.
Blaine laughed as well, watching Kurt as he ate. "You're always hungry." He said, taking a bite of toast. "How do you usually get food?" He asked.
Kurt shrugged. "Sometimes I get it from my clients, like at a bar or something. Usually I just take what I want from their fridge in the morning- I mean, I just had sex with them for a great price, so, they usually don't get mad."
Blaine laughed softly, shaking his head. "I can't even imagine." He breathed. "So, my mom has a beach day planned for us, and then couple's massage." He laughed softly. "As you can tell she is very excited that I have a boyfriend."
Kurt grinned. "I think it's cute, she's happy for you." He said, putting a hand on Blaine's knee. "But I still think that sleeping together would make the whole thing a lot more believable." He breathed, his eyes travelling over Blaine's lips as he began to lean in.
Blaine shook his head, pulling away. "You already know that isn't going to happen." He said, standing up. "Let's go, I don't want to be late again."
Kurt groaned, standing up and putting on his swim shorts as Blaine changed in the bathroom. Once they were both ready, Kurt grinned over at Blaine. "Mm.. You look gorgeous, babe." He whispered, slowly walking up and wrapping his arms around him from behind. He rested his chin on Blaine's shoulder, whispering into his ear. "I think I have the hottest fake boyfriend on the planet."
Blaine hesitantly let himself relax against Kurt, blushing darkly as he felt Kurt's lips against his ear. It was easy to push him away when he was simply asking for sex, but the way his arms felt around Blaine's waist made it a lot harder. "You don't look so bad yourself." He breathed, fluttering his eyes closed as he felt Kurt's hands running up and down his sides.
Kurt was surprised- Blaine usually pushed him away the second he tried to touch him. He pulled Blaine closer against him, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his neck. "You know, if we did sleep together, it would just be fake sex. Cause we're fake boyfriends. It wouldn't /really/ count, cause we aren't really together." He whispered, letting his hands travel down over Blaine's ass.
Blaine nodded slowly, biting his lip. "I guess that's-" He was cut off as they heard a knock on their hotel door.
"Kurt? Blaine? You guys almost ready?" Mrs.Anderson called.
Kurt groaned, reluctantly taking his hands off of Blaine's ass and pulling back. This time, Blaine groaned as well. "We'll be out in a second, mom." He called.
Kurt looked over at Blaine. "Can we continue this later?" He asked softly, taking Blaine's hand and intertwining their fingers as they walked out of the hotel room.
Blaine nodded slowly. "We'll see."

Fake: a Klaine Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now