Fake: Chapter 4

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"Are you almost ready, Kurt? You better put some cologne on so that my mom doesn't smell your smoker breath." Blaine called, tying his blue bowtie as he walked out of the bathroom. "C'mon, it's seven fifteen. We're late." He said, grabbing some Versace cologne and spraying Kurt as he stepped inside from the balcony.
"Calm down, I'm charming, remember? She won't be angry." Kurt said, taking Blaine's hand as they walked out of the hotel room and made  their way down to the lobby. He smiled at Mrs.Anderson, squeezing Blaine's hand gently. "So sorry- Blaine takes forever to tie his adorable little bow ties." He laughed, winking over at Blaine as he rolled his eyes.
"Oh, it's no problem, you guys." She smiled, walking outside. "There's a bar just down the block... No use taking a cab."
Kurt and Blaine both nodded, holding hands as they walked towards the bar. "It really is gorgeous here." Blaine said, smiling as they arrived at the bar. They all walked inside and sat down, ordering drinks.
"So, Kurt... Tell me more about yourself. Blaine says you're a dentist, huh?" Mrs.Anderson asked, sipping her cocktail.
"Oh- yes. I graduated from high school, went to college in Manhattan, and pretty soon after I ended up getting a job as a dentist." He replied, sticking to Blaine's story as they both drank their margaritas. "Now I'm living in Brooklyn, you know... Living the dream." He laughed, ordering another drink. They talked like that for at least an hour- all three of them laughing as they got more and more tipsy. "Come and dance with me." Kurt whispered, running his hand over Blaine's side. Mrs.Anderson was in the bathroom, but that didn't change the fact that Kurt was all over Blaine. "There's a dance floor- I want to dance with my super hot fake boyfriend."
Blaine blushed, shivering as he felt Kurt's hand running over his thigh. "Fine. only because you won't leave me alone about it." He said, standing up slowly as he attempted not to stumble over. He walked with Kurt to the dancefloor, smiling slightly as he felt Kurt's arms wrap around his waist. He rested his chin on Kurt's shoulder, breathing in his cologne as they began to move to the beat of the music playing.
"It's only a fake dance, you know, since we're fake boyfriends." Kurt said, sliding his hands over Blaine's shoulders.
"Mm... Totally." Blaine mumbled, relaxing against Kurt as they slow danced. "Fake dancing with you is nice." Blaine whispered, sliding his hands up and down Kurt's sides. He looked up as his mother walked up to them, smiling softly.
"You two are adorable." She said, smiling widely. "I'm gonna head back to the hotel before I do anything stupid, okay?" She asked, laughing  gently. "I'll see you in the morning."
Kurt laughed, nodding as she spoke. "Thank you, Mrs.Anderson. See you tomorrow." He said, looking back to Blaine as she walked away. "We don't have to go, you know. We can stay here ." He whispered against his ear, letting his hands travel over Blaine's back.
Blaine fluttered his eyes closed as he felt Kurt's lips against his ear, shaking his head softly. "If I keep drinking I'm gonna end up sleeping with you." He breathed, pulling back slowly.
"That wouldn't be a terrible thing." Kurt teased, running a hand through Blaine's messy curls that had come undone during the night.
Blaine shivered as he felt Kurt's hand in his hair, shaking his head once again. "Let's go back to the hotel." He said, pulling away and walking towards the door.
Kurt groaned, following Blaine outside. "Defeated again."

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